

Scroll through the events, or click a year in
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2025 2024 2023 2022 2021
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016


Greater Chicago Food Depository Service Project

January is Hunger Awareness Month, and on January 23rd seven of our Club members spent the afternoon repacking pasta from bulk containers into 2 lb packages for delivery to food pantries around the area. Everyone had different tasks from scooping out the pasta from the bulk containers, to weighing the 2 lb bags, to boxing up the packages for transport. We were part of a larger group of 42 volunteers, and together we repacked 244 cases of pasta weighing 5,856 lbs or the equivalent of 4,880 meals for the needy. That adds up to 812 meals our 7 volunteers helped repack.

Group photo of Lions Club volunteers at Greater Chicago Food Depository.

Photo of volunteers re-packing dry pasta for food banks. Photo of volunteer repacking dry pasta for food banks. Photo of volunteers re-packing dry pasta for food banks.
Photo of volunteers re-packing dry pasta for food banks. Photo of volunteer assembling shipping boxes for food bank deliveries. Photo of volunteer assembling shipping boxes for food bank delivery.
Photo of volunteer re-packing dry pasta for food banks. Photo of plastic bag of dry pasta on a food scale. Photo of volunteers re-packing dry pasta for food banks.
Photo of volunteers re-packing dry pasta for food banks. Photo of volunteers assembling shipping boxes for food bank deliveries. Photo of two volunteers smiling.
Photo of volunteers re-packing dry pasta for food banks. Photo of two volunteers smiling. Photo of volunteers re-packing dry pasta for food banks.
Photo of volunteers re-packing dry pasta for food banks. Photo of volunteers re-packing dry pasta for food banks. Photo of three volunteers smiling.
Photo of volunteer re-packing dry pasta for food banks. Photo of volunteer re-packing dry pasta for food banks. Photo of volunteer smiling and giving a thumbs up.
Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

2025 Relieving Hunger Dinner

Every year we hold a Relieving Hunger Dinner after the holidays to support families in need in the community. We pick up three carts of roasted chickens from Costco, bake a bunch of potatoes, and cook up some frozen vegetables and prepare meals for area families to pick up and take home for a nice sit-down dinner. Thank you to all of our Lions volunteers who came out on Janaury 10th to make this happen.

Photo of volunteers pushing carts of roasted chickens. Photo of volunteers loading roasted chickens into van. Photo of volunteers loading roasted chickens into van.
Photo of volunteers preparing meals for the needy. Photo of volunteers preparing meals for the needy. Photo of volunteers packaging meals for the needy.
Photo of volunteers packaging meals for the needy. Photo of volunteers preparing meals for the needy. Photo of volunteers preparing meals for the needy.
Photo of volunteers preparing meals for the needy. Photo of volunteers preparing meals for the needy. Photo of volunteers preparing meals for the needy.
Photo of volunteers preparing meals for the needy. Photo of volunteers packaging meals for the needy. Photo of volunteers preparing meals for the needy.
Photo of volunteers preparing meals for the needy. Photo of volunteers preparing meals for the needy. Photo of volunteers preparing meals for the needy.
Photo of three carts of roasted chickens at Costco. Photo of a bowl of cooked mixed vegetables. Photo of packaged rolls and cookies.

Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

Candy Cane Hunt and Christmas Party in the Park

Thanks to the volunteers who helped make the Forest View Park District and Stickney-Forest View Lions Club 3rd Annual Candy Cane Hunt and Christmas Party in the Park a huge success! 


Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

2024 Ham and Eggs Breakfast Fundraiser

Thank you to all our volunteers, other Lions (including Governor Brenda), and the general public who came out for our Ham & Eggs Breakfast fundraising event. You all helped make it a big success. 🦁

Also, thank you to the volunteers from the Chicago Healthcare Alliance Lions Club who came to the event to do free blood glucose testing to check for possible diabetes as part of Diabetes Awareness Month.


Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

2024 Peace Poster Contest

Thank you to all the student artists, family members, and school faculty who came out on November 11th to help us celebrate the participants of this year's Lions Peace Poster Contest. The theme this year was Peace Without Limits. Everyone did a fantastic job.  🦁🌎☮️

Collage image of all of the entries in the 2024 peace poster contest.

Group photo of members of the Stickney-Forest View Lions Club. Photo of Lion Jan B. who coordinated the peace poster contest.
Photo of people waiting in line to get pizza at the peace poster contest celebration. Photo of people eating pizza at the peace poster contest celebration.

Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

2024 Scholarship Application

Congratulations to Liliana Garcia of Stickney for being awarded the 2024 Stickney-Forest View Lions Club college scholarship. Liliana attends Morton West High School in Berwyn and has received summa cum laude and honor roll all four years of high school. She plans to pursue exercise physiology in college to become a physical therapist. Liliana also participated in varsity tennis, varsity wrestling, varsity badminton, varsity track and field, Best Buddies Club, Health Career Collaborative Club, and the National Honor Society.

Photograph of Lion Gwen Murphy, the 2024-2025 club vice president, presenting a scholarship check to high school senior Liliana Garcia.
(Click the photo to view a larger version)

Lions of Illinois Foundation Candy Day 2024

Did you see our awesome Lions out collecting money during Lions of Illinois Foundation Candy Days on October 11th and 12th? They did a fantastic job and collected over $1,600 from the community. That money will go towards supporting multiple programs provided by the Lions of Illinois Foundation, including the Low Vision Program for Students, Adult Low Vision-Orientation & Mobility Training, Camp Lions Summer Camp for Youth and Adults, and the Mobile Hearing and Retinal Screening Unit. Great job, Lions! 🦁 😃

Photograph of Lions collecting money on Candy Day. Photograph of Lions collecting money on Candy Day. Photograph of Lions collecting money on Candy Day.
Photograph of Lions collecting money on Candy Day. Photograph of Lions collecting money on Candy Day. Photograph of Lions collecting money on Candy Day.
Photograph of Lions collecting money on Candy Day.

Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

PDG Jerry Novak Receives Ambassador of Goodwill Award

This past Saturday at the District 1A Lions 1st Cabinet meeting, PDG Lion Jerry Novak was presented the Ambassador of Goodwill Award by PID Lion Dan O’Reilly with District Governor Lion Brenda Stevens. The Ambassador of Goodwill Award is the highest honor that Lions Clubs International (LCI) can give to an individual. Congratulations, Lion Jerry! 🦁


Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

2024 Installation and Awards Dinner

Thursday night, July 18th, the Stickney-Forest View Lions Club held their annual Installation and Awards evening, where two new members, Lion Jean and Lion Kimberly, were formally inducted into the club, the 2024-2025 officers and directors were formally installed into their positions, and various awards were given to club members. Congratulations to our new members, officers, and directors. Let's make this new Lion year a fantastic one.

Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

A Thank You from the Village of Forest View

"Dear Stickney Forest View Lions Club: On behalf of the Village of Forest View Centennial Committee as well as the residents of Forest View, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your incredible support in participating in our first Fun Run Pet Walk Parade and Block Party Event on May 18, 2024. Your assistance was invaluable in connecting us with the Lions Club, whose involvement greatly contributed to the success of our event. The collaboration helped enhance the community spirit and made the day even more special for everyone involved. Our residents enjoyed visiting your table and visiting with Jesse and the dogs were delighted to enjoy the tasty dog treats! Thank you for playing such an important role in making our event a memorable occasion. We look forward to your continued support and involvement in future events."

Respectfully, Laura D. McGuffey
Centennial Chairperson
Forest View Village Clerk


2024 Annual Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind and Disabled Picnic

Thank you to our Club members for coming out and helping with our annual picnic for the students and staff of the Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind and Disabled. They were all very appreciative. And we got to take a quick tour of some of their recent classroom renovations and see the Hall of Lions displays.

President Gwen with a thank you craft from the students. President Gwen with a thank you craft from the students.
  Lion Leighton chopped up the watermelons
Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

2024 72nd Annual Pancake & French Toast Breakfast

Thank you to all our volunteers and supporters for making our 72nd annual Pancake & French Toast Breakfast a success. Here are photos from the event for those of you who aren't on Facebook.

Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

2023 Christmas Celebration

Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

2023 District 1-A Convention

The weekend of March 24-26, members of the Stickney-Forest View Lions Club attended the District 1-A Convention. The theme was “Revving it up in District 1-A”. Thank you to PDG Austin D'Souza for taking and sharing so many fantastic photos. Here are just a few of the photos from that weekend. 

Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

2022 Candy Cane Hunt in Forest View

Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

2022 St. Pius X Hunger Dinner

Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

Feb. 7, 2022 Governor's Visit


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2022 Awards and Installation Ceremony

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2022 Annual Chicago Lighthouse Picnic

Members of our Club took part in the annual Chicago Lighthouse picnic. They  prepared a delicious BBQ lunch for students and teachers in the Preschool and Children’s Development Center! Among the delicious offerings were burgers, hot dogs, cookies and fresh fruit. Here are a few of the photos from the event.

Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

2022 Scholarship Winner Brittany Vazquez

2021 Christmas Party


Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

2021 Pork Chop Dinner Drive-Through


Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

2021 Scholarship Winners Daniel Reiter and Silas Gudino

2021 Installation Ceremony

Thursday, August 26th, we held our 2021 Installation Ceremony where President Desi White gave her year in review, PDG Jerry Novak handled the installation and swearing in of President Desi for another year, PID Dan and ZC Maryanne O'Reilly swore in two new members, Lions Sonia Reppe and Jesse Ramos, President Desi and ZC Maryanne handed out perfect attendance pins including one to Lion Lou Kammerer for 62 years of perfect attendance, PDG Dave Hansen spoke about VOICES of Lions 1-A, PID Dan presented Lion Leighton Shell with an International President's Certificate of Appreciation for his work as the club Communications and Marketing Chairperson, and finally Lion Martha Gomez showed off the amazing mat she crocheted by hand as part of the Bags to Beds service project.

President Desi White's Year in Review PDG Jerry Novak PDG Jerry Noval swears in President Desi White PID Dan O'Reilly swears in new Lions Sonia Reppe and Jesse Ramos President Desi White and ZC Maryanne O'Reilly award Lion Lou Kammerer with a 62 year perfect attendance pin. PDG Dave Hansen discusses VOICES of Lions 1A. PID Dan O'Reilly awards International President's Certificate of Appreciation to Club Communications and Marketing Chairperson Leighton Shell. Lion Martha Gomez displays the Bags to Beds mat she crocheted by hand.
Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

Welcome New Members

We would like to introduce you to the newest members of the Stickney-Forest View Lions Club: Sonia Reppe and Jesse Ramos.


First Queen of Hearts Grand Prize Winner

At our July 20th drawing the winning ticket picked card #54, which was revealed to be the Queen of Hearts!!! Congratulations to Peg P. for winning half of the pot, which was $21,344.

If you don't have Facebook you can watch the Tuesday night live stream here, as well.

St. Pius X Family Assistance

On Friday, January 15th, the Family Assistance Ministry of St. Pius X Parish provided meals to families in need in the Stickney-Forest View Area. Members of our Club volunteered and assisted with purchasing the meals, prepping them, and packing them for pick-up. At the end of the evening, 22 families consisting of 98 people were provided a hot meal of roast chicken, baked potatoes, mixed vegetables, rolls, and chocolate chip cookies. Learn more about the Lions Club International Global Cause of Hunger here.

#EndHungerNow #WeServe #SFVLions

Click the thumbnail to view a larger version of the photo.

Greater Chicagoland Food Depository Volunteering

Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

World Diabetes Day
World Diabetes Day was November 14, and the Stickney-Forest View Lions joined millions of Lions to help raise awareness and fight diabetes! #LionsFightDiabetes


2020 Scholarship Winner Cynthia Aguilar

Bags to Beds Project

Tuesday, July 20th, not only did we have a big winner in our Queen of Hearts Raffle, we also had a great turnout of Lions helping convert plastic bags to "plarn" (plastic yarn) and learning how to use a loom to turn the plarn into sleeping mats for the homeless.
Thank you to everyone who came out that night to pitch in.

Click the thumbnails to view larger images.

Thanking MacNeal Hospital Staff during 2020 Pandemic

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