On Wednesday 28th. September Lion President Mike Hardy and John Kirk, Social Services Convenor of Skegness Round Table, visited Mark Perry and his family to present them with a cheque!
Mark suffers from Duchennes Muscular Distrophy, which means he is confined to a wheelchair and needs help to do almost everything.Duchennes is a progressive illness but Mark is determined to do as much as he can for his future, attending Boston College at the present time.
He needs a number o...f items of equipment to make him more independent and to lead a more normal life, but his family were unable to secure all of the necessary funding and were £1100 short.
An appeal to Round Table resulted in the club getting together with Skegness Lions Club and between them the two Clubs made good the shortfall by each contributing equal amounts.
A wonderful example of "match-funding" locally.
Photos show John Kirk,Mark, Lion Pres. Mike Hardy"
Skegness Lions love fund-raising and have a lot of fun too...
August 2016
Skegness Lions were delighted to present their local Skegness Day Centre with a cheque for £600. Money was raised from our bi-annual concert held at St Matthews Church, Skegness.
Picture shows Skegness Lions President Mike presenting the cheque to centre manager Mandy and Mike, who represents the day centre's trustees, and supported by members of Skegness Lions, including Lion Tony who organised such a great concert for local people in June 2016.
Skegness Lions were delighted to present their local Skegness Day Centre with a cheque for £600. Money was raised from our bi-annual concert held at St Matthews Church, Skegness.
Picture shows Skegness Lions President Mike presenting the cheque to centre manager Mandy and Mike, who represents the day centre's trustees, and supported by members of Skegness Lions, including Lion Tony who organised such a great concert for local people in June 2016.