Welcome to Skegness Lions
Skegness is a seaside holiday resort on the East coast of Lincolnshire. Its claim to fame in modern times is the fact that Sir Billy Butlin established his first holiday camp there just before World War 2. Many people may remember it as HMS Royal Arther from its days as a Royal Navy training establishment.
The camp is still there - re-named and very much upgraded as Butlins Funcoast World and contributes greatly to the economy of Skegness.
Tourism and holidaymakers are the lifeblood of the town. There is some light industry and there is also a large proportion of retired people. No doubt this is partly due to property prices being historically lower that in more affluent parts of the country.
Skegness Lions Club was chartered in 1976 and was formed by a group of young, go-ahead businessmen who wanted to help those of our society who were less fortunate than themselves. This ethos remains to this day, although as the average age of our members has increased, the help is more financial than practical. We have to admit that some of our members are more likely to need practical help with their garden than provide it!
It is because of this that we will always welcome any new members who wish to join us. Ladies are just as welcome as gentlemen, indeed our immediate past President is a lady.
Over the years our fund-raising activities have include an annual Golf Day, a Race Night, tombola toy stall, a giant Christmas raffle and late-night Christmas shopping in the town centre. We have also been known to take over the car parks of two local supermarkets on Easter Sunday in order to raise funds for our charity account.
At the end of the day if you don't earn it you can't give it away. We still keep looking for new ways to raise our profile and the cash.
In the middle of all this going on we don't lose sight of the social part ofour Club. This is very important to us, whether it be the formal Charter Anniversary Dinner, small social functions or just a gathering for a chat and a pint (or whatever is your personal tipple)
Lions present cheques to deserving charities - see Lions presentations page
Skegness Lions enjoy a great social life - see Lions social page
Please contact us if you'd like to join us - we welcome new members
Follow and like us on our Skegness Lions Facebook page https://facebook.com/skegnesslions
If you are a Lion and visiting Skegness please contact us - we will be happy to invite you to our meeting or join in our social activity if this coincides with your visit.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.