
Skegness Lions social events

Skegness Lions Club celebrated their 40th Charter Anniversary, on Friday 11 November 2016, in style.  Held at the Crown Hotel, guests included the Lions 105e District Governor, Balvinder Singh Sokhi, MBE, and his wife, Skegness Rotarians President Robin and Debbie, Skegness Mayor Richard and his wife Christine, past District Governor, Lion Derick and his wife, Zone Chair person Judy and her partner, past Zone Chairman Lion Wally and members of Lions clubs from Boston, Louth, Mablethorpe, Tattershall and Coningsby, to name a few guests. 

Lions awards were made to three Skegness Lions for long service to their local communities, namely, Lion Paul, Lion Ivor and Lion Tony.

District Governor, Balvinder, had brought along a Lions 100 centenary banner for Lions members to sign, and this will be taken to Chicago in 2017 when Lions Club International, celebrates 100 years since it was formed in Chicago by Melvin Jones, a local businessman.  Photo shows Lion Andy and Lion Judy holding the banner.

After an excellent three course dinner, Lion Mark and wife Lynne, who also run local sequence dancing classes and social evenings, hosted the dancing which included jive, disco and line dancing.  The raffle raised £115. Everyone agreed it was an excellent evening and to celebrate 40 years, ladies wore red carnations, the men red bow ties and guests were given a slice of birthday cake. 

Skegness Lions club welcomes new members who wish to enjoy social events and have fun raising money for local charities and good courses. Skegness Lions President Mike and his wife Shirley, gave a toast to their guests and said how delighted they were that over £250,000 had been raised and given to good causes over the 40 years since Skegness Lions was formed.   

We hope to see many of you at our bi-annual concerts at St Matthews Church, all proceeds go to charities. 



Every month members of Skegness Lions club enjoy a social occasion. In the past we have played crazy golf followed by a fish and chip supper (after all we do live at the seaside), tenpin bowling, new age curling, dined at Italian restaurants, town centre wine bar and picnics in member's gardens (weather permitting).  At Christmas time we have a bottle draw and buffet which is always a great evening.

​In November every each we celebrate the Lions Charter (year the Skegness Lions club was founded), with evening dinner and entertainment, in which we invite Lions members and their wives or husbands from other clubs in our zone area.  This is always a grand occasion and enjoyed by all, and an opportunity to hold a raffle and raise additional funds for charity.

Every Lions member pays an annual membership which covers any administration fees, so that every penny of what we raise with our fund-raising events goes to charity. 


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