San Mateo Aragon High School Leos Club & San Mateo High School Leos Club
Charterd December 5, 2014, the San Mateo Aragon High School Loes Club meets every Wednesday near lunch time at Aragon High School in San Mateo. It is sponsored by the San Mateo Lions Club. LEOS stands for Leadership, Experience, Opportunity, and Service. Leos are young Lions associated with a Lions club. Members often serve with Lions but also create their own service projects and fundraisers. They are part of an international organization with Leos and Lions Clubs throughout the world. For more information about Leos, pleae visit the Lions Clubs International web site on Leos at: Becoming a Leo Our other Leos club meets at San Mateo High School in San Mateo. They are called the San Mateo High School Leos Club.
2017-2018 Aragon High School Leos Club
San Mateo High School Leos Club
Follow Leos in District 4C4 on Facebook at District 4C4 LEOS!