2012-13 International Theme and Logo
Did you know that in LY 2010-11, the
Club President Excellence Award,
had been replaced by the
Club Excellence Award
and the
Zone Chairman Excellence Award,
Region Chairman Excellence Award and the
District Governor Excellence Award
by the
District Governor Team Excellence Award?
(Click the links to download the application)
Deadline to submit applications for the 2010-11 nominees is September 30, 2011

2011-12 Peace Poster Winner
"Children Know Peace"
Filipino Girl wins Peace Poster Contest
Trisha Co Reyes, a 13 year-old girl from the Philippines is the grand pize winner of the 24th Lions International Peace Poster Contest. Trisha was sponsored by the Manila Centennial Lions Club
During the 94th LCI Convention in Seattle, WA, a constitutional ammendment to increase membership dues was passed. Beginning July 2012 the annual per capita will go up to $41.00 a year and on July 2013 it will go up to $43.00 a year and stay there until such a time that it becomes necessary to increase it again.