College Scholarships
Every year Rutland Lions Club awards college scholarships to deserving high school seniors. All applicants must be either residents of Rutland (for a minimum of 1 year) or the child or grandchild of a Rutland Lions Club member.
Applications are available in January of each year through March of the same year. All applications and supporting materials must be received by the Scholarship Committee by March 31st.
2025 College Scholarship Application Link:
Applications should be mailed or dropped off at the following address:
Rutland Lions Club Scholarship Committee, c/o Mary Meyer, 10 Rebecca Ann Drive, Rutland, MA, 01543
Winners will be announced at the end of April via a letter. Announcements may be placed in the local paper and on our Facebook page.
The scholarship winners and their parents will be invited to our May 13, 2025 meeting to be awarded their checks.
If you have any questions about the scholarship, please contact: Mary Meyer at or 508-886-6052
Camperships -
Every year the Rutland Lions Club offers scholarships to any Rutland children attending a diabetes camp program. Camperships allow children with diabetes to enjoy all of the benefits of both day and overnight camps, in a safe, monitored environment.
Applications are available in February of each year through mid-April of the same year. All applications are due by May 1st
Financial awards will be made by the middle of May, and paid directly to the camp of the applicant’s choosing. All campers will be notified at that time what the amount of their scholarship will be.
2025 Campership Application Link:
Applications should be mailed or dropped off at the following address by May 1, 2025:
Rutland Lions Campership Committee, c/o Kathy Troy, 2 Rebecca Ann Drive, Rutland, MA, 01543
If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Troy at 508-886-62519 or via email at