To see what we have done in previous years click on "Our recent Years"
We will start another year of service soon and record it all on this page.
Show'n'Shine - February 4, 2024
Another big day for our members - and the helpers we had from the Masonic Lodge and CWA.
We raised good funds that will help our projects locally.
We acknowledge the generosity of the Geelong Rodders with this project and their support and trust in our work. It is greatly appreciated. We made a wild guess at the crowd and reckon there could have been around 4,000 people there on the day. However, we will stand corrected on that one if we are wrong !!! :-)
Thanks also the the "Newey clan" without who we would struggle with this event.
Bottle & Cans recycling (ongoing)
Through President Kevin, we were given the opportunity to collect the bottle and cans from the Queenscliff Golf Club on Swan Island.
The golf club does not have "on tap" service of drinks, so all drinks are sold in bottles and cans.
The club puts out bins in the clubhouse and around the course and brings all containers to the clubhouse. We collect them from there and take them to the mass recycling centre in Breakwater for recycling.
There are 3 major benefits:-
1. We are helping the environment as these cans & bottles would otherwise go to landfill.
2. It is a good fundraiser for our service activities.
3. It is saving the golf club with its volume of hard waste. They need less trips to the Rubbish tip - which saves them money.
With our small membershiop, we have had some outside assistance from volunters and we thank them all.
The recycling centre is in Breakwater - a suburb on the east side of Geelong. They have a machine very siimilar to this one that sorts and counts all the bottles & cans. Very helpful as we average more than 1,000 cans each trip!!
L2P - Learner driver to P plate (ongoing)
This project is run by the City of Greater Geelong. It gives young people who have no access to a vehicle - or anyone to teach them - the opportunity to eventually obtain their Drivers Licence.
The Council has a number of vehicles, but there are ongoing costs associated with these vehicles. They must be maintaied though servicing, insurance, fuel and umtimately replacement. Shrinking government assistance and a lot of businesses not being able to support this worthwhile project is maaking life difficult.
The four Lions Club on the Bellarine Peninsula have joined together to provide funding to keep one of these vehicles on the road for a period of 3 years.
Our club has committed - and paid - $2,100 towards this project. We are proud of this involvement.

Crimewatch bears (ongoing)
Our club has supported this project for a number of years. We are committed to ensure that the local CFA, Ambulance and CES always have stocks,
These bears a given to a child who has just experienced a very traumatic event and the bear provides something to cudlle and hold on to whilst their world implodes around them.
We are also providing the bears to the 3 schools in the Borough od Queenscliffe.

Pt Lonsdale Christmas tree lights
This is another local project the club has been involved in for a long time.
The annual lighting up of the tree and the joy and visitors that it brings to the town is significant.
We have been made aware that the lights and cables are in need of replacment and repair - mainly due to bird related damage.
The club has committed $3,600 to this project.
Lions "Need for Feed"
At any time, it is probable that some part of Australia is suffering from drought.
Right now this is happening in the south - west corner of Victoria and South Australia.
As this is an ongoing issue, Lions has a project called "Need for Feed" where donations of feed from areas where there is an excess is transpoted to those who are in difficult situations.
A call was recently put out to help these farmers and this club donated $1,000 to the project. Not a huge amount but averything helps.
Find out more at:- https://www.needforfeed.org/our-story.html
It is a very interesting story

Club Changeover - June, 2024
The annual Chageover of Office Bearers was held on June 25.
The "Illustrious" (and much respected) Lion John Mitchell did the honours of inducting the new Executive:
President:- Lion Maureen Thorpe (actually she is a PDG!)
Secretary:- Lion Kevin Flynn
Treasurer:- Lion Dennis Clarke
Vice Pres:- Lion Phil Newey
Mwembership:- Lion Adrian Miles
The night was a great success with a number of non-Lion visitors (hopefully we might covert some).
Lions Hearing Dog - "Art" - June, 2024
We recently were proud to be able to assist with the "delivery" of "Art" to Bernice, who lives locally.
Lions Hearing Dogs was established over 40 years ago and has
Since 1980, Australian Lions Hearing Dogs (ALHD) have provided a set of ‘furry ears’ to many hundreds of Australians, this is all made possible from the ongoing support of our generous donors and the Lions Clubs across Australia.
Each Hearing Assistance Dog costs ALHD just under $40,000 to train, deliver and support. However, they go to their recipients free of charge, a gift from ALHD and the Lions Clubs of Australia in helping the Australian community.
(Photo courtesy of Geelong Advertiser)
Our members are helping to train and ensure that "Art" is doing his job properly.
He has made a real difference to Bernice's life.
Find out more at :- https://lionshearingdogs.com.au/
"Feed me Bellarine" - June, 2024
We were privelidged to hear the story about this great local project from its founder, Lana Purcell.
Lana has managed to build this fantastic project from nothing to what it is today in just 5 years.
"Feed me Bellarine" provides free food and meals to those who would otherwise go hungry.
They have literally hundreds of volunteers who do an amazing job in many different areas of the business.
The business is totally Not for Profit and has no links with government or any churches etc.
They have partnership with many food providers and save more than 80,000 kg of food being wasted every month.
People in need can come and collect food, if they can pay something or nothing - it doesn't matter.
They also serve hundreds of meals every day - free if needed, or pay what you can afford.
We were honoured to present "Feed Me Bellarine" with $1,000
find out more at:- https://www.feedme.org.au/
Young Mothers playgroup - June, 2024
Carla Howard came to the meeting in June and outlined her vision to start a Playgroup where the mothers of toddlers aged 0 - 5 years can come together and have a time of social contact and play for their young ones.
She also hopes that the group will provide social connections amongst the parents.
She is basing the group at St Aloysius school - as they have a room she can use.
Carla was looking for assitance to purchase the basics to get the group started.
We were pleased to be able to donate $500 so she can purchase some basics to get her started.
New Member - October, 2024
We welcomed Graham Douglas into our club.
Graham has lots of Lions experience having been the Charter President of the Leopold club and a member of Buninyong-Mt Helen and an overseas club in the past.
We look forward to his enthusiasm and experience.
Queenscliff Golf Club - Junior Academy - December, 2024
We are pleased to have created a win-win-win situation with the Queenscliff golf Club.
WIN No 1:-
We collect all the bottles and cans sold at the golf club. In the past these have gone to landfill and been wasted. Our members collect and take then to the recycling centre in Breakwater (Geelong) where we receive 10 cents for each one. We have raised around $2,000 in 2024.
WIN No 2:-
We are putting this money back into the Golf Club by assisting with their Junior golf acedemy that is encouraging young people to play golf - with all the physical and mental benefits that sport brings.
WIN No 3:-
We are helping to reduce the amount of landfill that has to be dealt with and the environmental benefits that results from this.
We presented the club with a cheque for $1,500 for this project.
Pt Lonsdale Primary School - "Quiet Zone" - December 2024
In 2023 we offered the opportunity to each of the Primary schools to submit an application for a project they either could not fund or maybe complete.
The Pt Lonsdale Primary school chose to create a "Quiet Zone" where children to go and be away from the hustle and bustle of the school yard.
We were pleased to present a cheque for $1,500 for this project.
Pt Lonsdale Christmas tree light up - December 2024
The club had the honour of being the "official" party at the switching on of the lights on the huge Norfolk pine tree in Pt Lonsdale.
This lighting of the tree has been a tradition in the area for over 70 years. This year we were able to contribute to the replacement and updating of the lights on the tree.
Our club members were on stage when a lucky child was chosen the flick the switch.
Nativity display Queenscliff - December 2024
Once again the club erected the display at the Anglican church in Queenscliff.
This year we were able to connect power to the site so we could illuminate it at night.
This is another project that this Lions Club has been doing for many years and is well received by the local community.
Another example of Lions at work!