How We Serve
As a part of Lions Clubs International, Pike Creek-Green Hills Lions Club serves our local New Castle County community in the following ways:
1. Eye Glasses and Vision Support
Youth Eye Screenings: Early vision screenings ensure kids don't fall behind in the classroom. We offer free vision screenings to pre-k and elementary school students throughout Pike Creek, Delaware. Contact us to inquire.
Eye Glasses Collection: We collect and recycle eyeglasses. Drop your timeworn glasses at the following collection sites:
LCIF Partnership - Riding Program for the Blind:
LCIF Partnership - Shipping Corneas to Kenya: We have an innovative partnership with AltruVision, a Lions Eye Bank, and the John Hokpins Wilmer Eye Institute to harvest and ship surplus corneas to Lions SightfFirst Hospital in Nairbobi, Kenya. To learn more, visit our Project Page.
Youth Eye Screenings: Lion Paul performing an eye screening to montitor a student's eye health.
2. Community Assistance
Adopt-a-Highway Roadside Cleanup: Our Lions Club is the first Adopt a Highway program in Delaware, proudly keeping New Linden Hill Road clean for over 40 years.
Medical Equipment Loan Program: We loan wheelchairs, transport chairs, walkers, and other medical equipment to community members in need. Contact us to inquire.
Clothing Donation: We partner with Wilmington's own Sunday Breakfast Mission to collect and donate clothes to community members
A newspaper clipping from 1974 showing our Lions Club cleaning up New Linded Hill Road.
3. Educational Support
Bentley Brothers Scholarship: Each year, we award scholarships to local high scchool students at Delcastle High School, St. Mark's High School, to support their educational goals.
Riding Program: Helping youth participate in therapeutic equestrian activities.
4. Impact
AltruVision Partnerships: Supporting global initiatives for vision care.
Water is Life Kenya Partnership: Establishing a community borehole in Nooriro, Kenya in 2023.
6. Fundraising & Events
Community Fundraisers: Hosting fundraisers like Zingo’s fundraisers to generate resources for our initiatives.
Social Engagement: Engaging the local community with opportunities to connect and give back.