
Welcome to the Pike Creek-Green Hills Lions Club!

Pike Creek Green Hills Lions Club, Water is Life Kenya, and Nooriro Community celebrate clean water in February, 2023.

Lions: "We Serve"

As a member of Lions Clubs International, the Pike Creek-Green Hills Lions Club is dedicated to serving our local and global community. 

Our mission is to serve our local and global community by addressing humanitarian needs, empowering individuals, and fostering inclusivity. Guided by the Lions Clubs International motto, We Serve, we are committed to:

  • Promoting health and wellness through vision care.
  • Supporting education, sustainability, and community development.
  • Building a more compassionate and connected world.

About Our Club

  • Where We Serve: Our service region is the northwestern corner New Castle County, Delaware, bordered by the DE-PA border, Poly Drummond Road, Kirkwood Highway, and Lancaster Pike.
  • We Serve Locally: Our club serves the local Delaware community through youth eye screenings, eyeglass collections, medical equipment, clothing drives, highway cleanups, an equestrian riding program, and student scholarships.
  • We Serve Globally: Alongside Lions Club International Foundation, our club leads innovative projects with our partners: Water is Life Kenya, Wilmer Eye Center at John's Hopkins, and AltruVision.
  • A History of Service: Our club was formed from the merger of two clubs - Pike Creek Lions Club and Hockessin Green Hills Lions Club. Combined, we have served this community for [75 years].
  • Join Us: Be a part of service efforts! Send us an email at to inquire about joining our club. 

Lion Mark at a roadside cleanup!

Kids in Nooriro, Kenya enjoying their new well!

Upcoming Events:

  • Monthly Meeting: 1st Monday @ 6:30 PM, Cuzino’s Pasta & Pizza, 4553 Kirkwood Hwy, Wilmington, DE.

Join us today and discover how We Serve!

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Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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