David Rosen, President
1st Vice President
Brent Thompson 2nd Vice-President
Shira Lee Program Coordinator
Bob Mauger, Secretary
Jeff Seaman, Treasurer
Debbie Patton Membership Chairman
Dorothy Kavanaugh, 1 Year Director
Tom DeGeeter, 1 Year Director
Carol Yurt 2 Year Director
Jeannie Mauger 2 Year Director
Brian Fox Lion Tamer
Jo Ann Seaman LCIF Coordinator
Scott Stewart, Immediate Past President
Ray Anklam PDG Barb Bachman PDG George Bachman
Kim Barlag Callie Benson Dr. Pete Bickel
Kathie Butler Joel Chaney Danny Dickerson
Madeline Douglas Gov. Lilane Fox Ashley Geraci
Eric Geraci Pam Good Mayor Lee Gray
Paul Gregg Kristin Harris Jim Hatem
Bernie Hatem Shirley Jacobs Cathy Kilbourn
Dave King Phil King
Bob Koch Cherie Koch Cris Kraft
Darlene Kuzmic Craig Maxey Ken Milliser
Vanessa Niekamp Jill O'Callaghan Paul Parks
Tim Patton Jill Rider Jim Rogers
Jaclyn Rohaly Melissa Rosen Larry Rudy
Tracy Sabetta Lori Sanders Dave Scheetz
Rachel Scofield Jacquie Self Joe Self
Sonnie Stewart Trish Stewart Bill Stoddard
Andrea Turner Craig Turner Nick Turner
Ben White Lillie Williams LuAnn Wolf
Pickerington Lions Club History:
78 Years of Service to Others
The Pickerington Lions Club was organized September 23, 1946, with the Canal Winchester Lions Club as our sponsor. There were 38 charter members that year, with Frank W. Fenstermaker serving as our first President.
Adhering to the Lions' motto of "We Serve", the club got right to work sponsoring functions for community entertainment and community improvements.
On June 7, 1947, our first Strawberry Social was held – an annual event for 37 years. In December 1947, the first of numerous Christmas home decorating contests was held. In March 1948, the first of four minstrel shows was sponsored. And in September of 1949, the club held it's first Labor Day homecoming parade and fish fry, a yearly tradition that is eagerly anticipated by community residents even to this day.
December 1951 found the Club decorating the Pickerington Library, something the Lions continued to do at Christmas for many years. In 1956 the Club planted and harvested a field of corn with proceeds going to Club projects. The Club operated a booth at the Millersport Lions Sweet Corn Festival for several years and also worked to clean the Festival grounds for a number of years. Light bulb & broom sales have been held annually for many years, as well. Other activities have included sales of Halloween candy, Holiday fruit baskets & Entertainment Books, our White Cane Fundraiser and our annual Pickerington Lions Club Pizza Challenge.
Cardo's Pizza won three trophies at the
Pizza Challenge of 2023
So what has the Club done with the money raised from these projects? A major beneficiary has been our schools: $1,600 for a well before we had city water, $3,000 for the athletic field, a piano, water fountain, band uniforms, the GOOD Program and support of athletic teams and booster groups. We have also sponsored delegates to Boys and Girls State.
Innumerable Pickerington citizens have benefited from the Club's donations to pay for eye exams and eyeglasses for those in need. Donations have also been made for eye operations and for the purchase of close-circuit TVs for magnifying printed material for the visually impaired. Additionally, the Club provides ongoing monetary support to Pilot Dogs, Eye research, the Diabetes Association, the Ohio Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation, the Ohio Lions Pediatric Cancer Foundation, the Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank and Laboratory, Radio Reading Service, Camp Echoing Hills and other organizations supporting our common goal of service to those in need.
A project from the Club's very beginning - and one that continues to this day - was our sponsorship of Boy Scout Troop 256. We also sponsor the Pickerington Leo Club in the high schools.
A large project over the years has been the construction and maintenance of the Terry O’Brien shelter house and storage building in Victory Park. Over the past few decades, the club has made several major contributions, including: $10,000 to the Pickerington Senior Citizens Center, $5,000 to the Sycamore Park Covered Bridge Committee and $1,200 to the New York Firemen’s fund after the terrorist attacks of 9-11. In the 2003-04 Lions Year, we raised thousands of dollars and put many man-hours into furnishing and dedicating a "soft room" at the Pickerington Police Department. This room -- which looked like a family living room -- was used for many years by police when interviewing children or victims of domestic violence to give them a more comfortable and safe atmosphere in which to talk to police.
Lions cleaning up Sycamore
Creek Park on Earth Day 2023
Most recently, we have routinely raised and donated $20,000+ per year to local, state and national charitable causes.
The members of our club take great pride in our long history of service to the community and we look forward to many decades of service to come.
Historical List of Presidents, Secretaries & Treasurers
Melvin Jones Fellowship Recipients from the Pickerington Lions
Recent Club Awards & Honors
Pickerington Lion of the Year - Jeff Seaman, June 2024
Rookie Lion of the Year - Debbie Patton, June 2024
Knight for Sight, June 2024
Danny Dickerson Shira Lee Kim Barlag
Melvin Jones Fellowship, June 2024
Kenny Miliser David Rosen
Journey of Hope Award - Bob & Jean Mauger, June 2024
Helen Keller Sight Saver Award - Dorothy Kavanaugh, June 2024
District OH7 Humanitarian Award, March 2025
District OH7 Service Award, March 2025
Ohio Lions Foundation Gold Patron Award, March 2025
Russ Williams Chapter Award, March 2025
Eye Bank Supporter Award, March 2025
Zone 4 Lion of the Year: Craig Turner, March 2025
Zone Chair of the Year: Dave King, March 2025
OH7 Hall of Fame Inductee: PDG Paul Kelly, March 2022
International Presidential Award - Brian Fox: 2019
Council of Governors' Award
Jeff Seaman: 2025; Debbie Patton: 2025; Scott Stewart: 2025; Brian Fox: 2020, 2018, 2017, 2016; Lilane Fox: 2018
Council of Governors Chairman's Award of Excellence - Lilane Fox, 2010
James & Betty Coffey Fellowship
Brian Fox, JCF, 2025; Lilane Fox, JCF, 2023; Cherie Koch, BCF, 2017; Tom Brubaker, JCF, 2015
Best Newsletter - 2019, 2018, 2013, 2012, 2011, 1995, 1991, 1983, 1981, 1979, 1978
Honorable Mention - Website: 2012 Lions International Convention
Non Profit of the Year, 2022 from the Pickerington Chamber Chamber of Commerce
Community Service Award, 2009 from the Pickerington Chamber of Commerce