Old Saybrook's Lions Club Year 2023-2024 in Review
Chili Fest 2023
In March the Old Saybrook Lions Club participated in the Old Saybrook Chamber of Commerce Chili Festival 2023. Our Lions made a” Bee Kind “ Honey and Chocolate Chili. Pictured are Jerry Smith, Sharon Tiezzi, Chris Wilson, Nicole Nalepa (Chili Judge from WFSB News) , Renee Shippee, Joanne Faraci, not pictured Donna Leake, Kate Delaney and Susan Esty.
The First Church and Lions Christmas Wreath Sale
In November and December our Lions partnered with the First Church to sell wreaths, and items our own Lions created. Lions made ribbons for the wreaths, lighted stars. Small reindeer were created by hand, along with Christmas spiders, and paper stars to name a few of the items sold. Pictured below: Kate Delaney, Susan Esty and Chris Wilson. (Not pictured: Renee Shippee, Debra Wilke, Bonne Amenta, Patricia Pergolizzi, Shirley Annunziate and Janis Esty.