
West Norwich Lions

Lion Adrain Lemmon.

With great sadness, we at West Norwich Lions announce Lion Adrain Lemmon has passed to higher service.

Adrian was a charter member, was awarded the MJF, and served as our president on three occasions. He was a very active member until recent years when his health prevented him from doing so.

Our thoughts are with his Wife, Patience, and their family.


Charity Trust Number 1154145

West Norwich Lions and other local Lions Clubs have been part of Norwich for forty years, providing help and support for vulnerable/needy people and groups within the community.

We need help to increase our charitable pursuits while providing social activities for members.

We are looking for men and women of all ages to join us in helping the needy. We are a non-religious/political organisation, so if you have a few hours to spare each month and would be interested in joining forces with us to help your community, please contact Patricia Moore at 07868 724266.

We meet at the Clover Hill Community Centre, Humbleyard, Bowthorpe.
Norwich, NR5 9BN on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 7.00pm





Ladies and Gentlemen,

Wouldn't you like to become a member of the most prominent charitable organisation in the world? We would love to have some new members. We not only raise money for deserving causes, but we also have a social side.  Call Pat Moore on 07686 724266
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