
To contact the

New Germany & Area Lions Club:  

1. President Lion Donald Fancy: 902-298-9765 

2. Secretary Carol Knell: 902-521-9296 

3. Treasurer Carla Carver: 902-644-2851

4. Visitation: Marie Reid: 902-644-2085 

5. PR/Publicity: Deb Featherby: 902-521-7791

6. Membership:  Marie Reid: 902-644-2085

7. Health/Wellness: Pat Wentzell:  902-212-2471

8. Medical aids: Dave Moore: 902-514-6355

9. Lions Train:  Donnie Fancy: 902-298-9765


OR: New Germany & Area Lions Club

                      PO Box 118                      

         New Germany, NS B0R 1E0        



          New Germany & Area Lions Club


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Contact any member of the New Germany Lions Club, or go to



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