Community Projects & Activities
- "We Serve" our community by:
- Collecting used eyeglassess for distribution to third world countries
- Provide free eye exams and prescription eyeglasses for those who cannot afford them
- Maintaining a Durable Medical Supply Closet free of charge to local residents
- Transporting enucleated eyes to the Wisconsin Lions Eye Bank in Madison for transplants
- Sponsoring a disabled youth baseball team for Miracle League on the Lakeshore
- Donating to Wisconsin Lions Camp in Rosholt, WI, providing camp scholarships to Manitowoc County disabled youth
- Recognize area citizens who make Manitowoc County a better place to live with an award for "Distinguished Service"
- Provide donations to local non profit groups that serve citizen needs
- Supporting the Leader Dog Program and projects sponsored by Lions Club International
- We raise funds by:
- Annual "Blind Bowling" event
- Brat Frys and Pancake Breakfasts
- Selling Lions Mints
- Monthly Sustaining Membership Raffle
Watch for LIONS MINTS !
Lions Mints are available at the following locations:
Manitowoc Two Rivers
Golden Flame - Custer Street Village Inn, Memorial Drive
Knife & Fork Restaurant - S 44th St Two Rivers Fire Station, Monroe St
Susie’s Café - Washington Street Sauve’s Auto Service, Washington St
Lake Michigan Car Ferry Office - Lakeview Dr Domnitz Flowers, 11th St
Meadow Lanes No. – Johnston Drive Schroeder’s Dept Store, Washington St
Manitowoc Senior Center - Custer Street Fox Community C. U., Adams St
Four Seasons Restaurant– Calumet Ave Community First C. U., Washington St
Big Apple Bagels - Calumet Ave Cool City Cleaners, Washington St
Novak’s Service Center – Washington Street Machut’s Supper Club, Lincoln Ave
Daly’s Café – N 8th Street Klein Hardware, Forest Ave
Washington House Museum, Jefferson St
HFM, Lakefront Campus, Lakefront Way