
Welcome to the home page of the Lower Swatara Lions Club!  Here you will find general information about our club and our upcoming activities.  For contact information for events, donations, officers, and requests, please Click Here.

Next Meeting

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Lower Swatara Lions Club is scheduled to be held on Thursday March 13, 2025  at 6:30 PM at the Lions Club Building (2 Theodore Avenue). If you are interested in becoming a member, feel free to drop in!  Please see Our Calendar for more information on upcoming events!

Mission Statement

To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

Who We Are

The Lower Swatara Lions Club is part of PA District 14T which is part of the larger body Lions Club International (LCI), the world's largest service organization.  We have been serving the Middletown and Lower Swatara communities since 1974.  The Lions are your friends and neighbors, members of the community, who volunteer their time to serve there community, meet humanitarian needs, and promote understanding through the Lions Club.

What We Do

The Lower Swatara Lions Club does many events for the community through the year ...

  • Easter Egg Hunt
  • Halloween Parade
  • Adopt-A-Highway (PennDOT highway clean-up)

We also do several fundraising events throughout the year

  • Spaghetti Dinner
  • Monthly Sub Sales
  • Pancake Breakfast
  • Chicken BBQ

We also serve the community through some year-round programs

  • Scholarships
  • Wheelchair, Walker, Cane, and other Medical Equipment free rentals
  • Eyeglass assistance
  • Hall Rental

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Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

Lions Clubs International News
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