Club Officers
Lion Babette Rudick
(717) 939-8882
Vice President
Lion Connie Easter
Phone: (717) 944-7786
Lion Jack Rudick
Phone: (717) 939-8882
Lion Nathan Pfister
Email: NPfister@gmail
Phone: (717) 623-7992
Building Rental Contact
Our building can be rented for your events at a daily rental fee of $350, plus a security deposit of $200. This is for 8 hours on a same day. Access to club prior to scheduled rental is $50 for 2 hours. These are CASH ONLY transactions, unless previously approved. Security deposit will be returned by check up to 1 week after review of property after the event.. For more information, or to schedule a rental, please contact Lion Randy Miller.
Lion Randy Miller
Phone: (717) 580-3440 Please leave a message and he will get back to you as soon as possible. This is currently the ONLY method to request date availability or make a reservation. Be aware our building is NOT wheelchair accessible.
Membership Information
We are always looking for new members who would like to help our community. If you are interested in becoming a member, please reach out to any of the officers listed above. Or feel free to attend one of our monthly meetings as listed on our calendar page. We would be more than happy to talk to you about becoming a Lion. Annual dues are $65 to become a Lion.
Eyeglasses Donations
We currently have a depository slot in our Clubhouse door for eyeglass & hearing aid donations. If you have any questions or concerns about Eyeglasse donations, please contact Lion Jack Rudick.
Lion Jack Rudick
Phone: (717) 939-8882
Durable Medical Equipment
If you live in the Lower Swatara / Middletown area and are in need of Durable Medical Equipment, such as a Wheel Chair, Potty chair, Walker, Canes, Hospital Beds, or Crutches, please contact Lion Ron Alleman or Lion Kelsey Varner or one of our club members.. We will be more than happy to loan these items out, free of charge, based on availability. We also accept donations of clean medical equipment.
Lion Ron Alleman
Phone: (717) 585-3214
Lion Connie Easter
Phone: (717) 944-7786