This page features archived news items from previous years, most recent news first.
News Archive 2014
'Kendal & District Lions' Celebrate 40 years in the Town
Kendal & District Lions Club gathered at the Carus Green Golf Club on Sunday 8th June 2014,with fellow Lions from other Lions Clubs within the District, to celebrate the Club's 40th Charter Anniversary.
pictured from left to right:-Tony Dennison-incoming Club President,Kath Dennison-Lion Member,Elizabeth Axten-District Governor & pp -K, Roy Axten pp-K, Marilyn Robinson, Austen Robinson-Lion Member, Coun.Tom Clare-Mayor of Kendal & Alyson Clare. (Photo: Stuart Scott)
Article by Lion Jim,
Updated 10/06//2014
Easter Eggstravaganza
An 'Easter Eggstravaganza', hosted by Kendal & District Lions, attracted crowds to Kendal Castle to enjoy the many attractions,ranging from treasure hunts, egg rolling, searching for chocolate eggs, to the ever popular Bouncy Castle.
The aim of this popular event is to bring family and friends together,through traditional seasonal fun and at the same time,helping local charities. The club would like to extend their thanks to all those who came out to support and help make this event a success, despite the blustery weather!
Article by Lion Jim, edited by Web Master
UPDATED': 13/05/2014
Kendal & District welcome a new Lion
The club was very happy to welcome our newest Lion, Caroline, tonight! 105 BN District Governor and Kendal & District member Lion Liz was on hand to welcome Caroline, presenting her with the District Governor's banner and flag to go alongside her new Lions badge.
(Picture below: Caroline, middle, with her sponsor Lion Vicki, left and 105 BN District Governor Lion Liz Axten).
Coffee Morning raises over £100!
Kendal & District Lions Club took charge of the Coffee Morning at Kendal Town Hall on Saturday, 12th April. Tea and Coffee was accompanied by a wide range of tasty treats, and the morning was closed by a very successful raffle, raising over £100 on the day. The club would like to take this opportunity to extend its thanks to all those who came out and supported us!

UPDATED: 12/04/2014