
The latest news from Kendal & District Lions Club

Last updated: 08/08/2015

Book sale success
The Kendal & District Lions book sale at Elephant Yard Shopping centre enjoyed continued success this weekend as over £130 was raised in aid of local charities.  Thank you to everyone who came to support this event.
Among our visitors today was Cllr. Chris Hogg, Mayor of Kendal, who picked up some summer reading.
Cllr Chris Hogg pictured with Lion Malcolm (photo: Lion Caroline 08.08.15)
The book sale continues Friday 14th  August, from 10am.  
We welcome any donations of used and unwanted books, please drop in during opening hours (Friday and Saturday, 10am-4pm) or contact us via our facebook site ( if you have books that you wish to donate.
Updated by Webmaster, 08/08/15

New look book sale returns to Elephant Yard Shopping Centre

Kendal & District Lions enjoyed a successful first weekend back at Elephant Yard, raising over £130 at the book sale this weekend.  All the money raised from these sales goes towards the club's work in helping charitable causes in the local area.   Many thanks to all those who came by to support us, as well as those who donated books to the cause.

(Photos from the new look book shop, Lion Caroline.  24.07.15)

Many thanks also to Elephant Yard Shopping Centre for their continued support of the event and to P R Books for kindly supplying us with the new shelves, which, as you can see from the pictures, has made a real difference to the layout, with the unit now looking a lot more inviting.

The book sale will continue on Fridays and Saturdays, 10am-4pm.


Updated by Webmaster

On yer bike!

Kendal & District Lions were proud to work alongside the teams at K Village and Kendal Leisure centre for their Cycle Action event.  

The club, alongside our friends from the Kendal First Responsders, provided stewards for the cycle trail than ran between the two venues.  We also devised a fun quiz for the entire family, raising over £80, which went towards the work of the First Responders as they look to establish a group in Kendal.  

Supporting the Community:  Kendal First Responders

The club was privileged to welcome members from the newly founded Kendal Community First Responders team to their meeting on June 22nd.   The Lions were particularly interested to learn about the specifics of the role, and were especially struck at how much kit is required, most of which comes at a great cost .   After a such a riveting talk, the club voted unanimously to donate some of our charitable fund to the group, helping them to meet the costs of the required equipment and thus increase the number of First Responders active in the community.

Kendal & District Lions Club would like to take this opportunity to thank Emma and Craig from the First Responders group for taking the time to come and talk to us, and we wish you and the rest of the group the best of luck in your endeavours.


For more information on Kendal Community First Responders, consult their Facebook page:

Kendal & District Lions turn 41!

Kendal & District Lions celebrated their 41st Charter on 15th June with fellow Lions and friends at the Castle Green Hotel in Kendal.

Among the guests present was the new Kendal Mayor Cllr Chris Hogg and the Mayoress, Rachael.  The Mayor spoke passionately about his projects for the upcoming year; in particular his ambition to make Kendal an 'Organ Donor Town' , aiming for 1,000 extra organ donors in the town.  Thank you to the Mayor for taking to time to come and speak to us and we wish him and Mayoress all the success for the upcoming year.  To keep up to date with the Organ Donor Town Project, follow the dedicated Twitter page:

The club also welcomed 105BN District Governor Barry Collins and his wife Erica, and were delighted to offer a donation of £250 to Erica's nominated charity LIBRA, the Lions International Blood Research Appeal.  LIBRA was founded in 1976 and is dedicated to raising money for the vital work of the Haematology Department at King's College Hospital in London.

The enthralling after dinner talk was by Jim Bispham, speaking about his journey to the USA to take on the Appalachian Trial and with it complete the 'Triple Crown of Hiking'; finished the three major hiking trails in the United States.   A retiring collection after Jim's talk raised £46.78 for his nominated charity, Bendrigg Lodge.

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