Hi! Here is where we post stories and photos of Scugog Community activities and events supported by our Greenbank Lions Club. Visit often as the content is updated constantly!
Gene Baur, World-Famous Animal Rights Activist, Coming to Toronto for Animal Sanctuary Education Centre Launch
Interview Opportunities for Friday, June 24, 2022
WHO: Gene Baur, internationally renowned animal rights activist, best-selling author and founder of Farm Sanctuary – the first farm sanctuary in the US – will be available for media interviews on Friday, June 24th. Baur can discuss:
- Farm animal abuse, the animal rights movement & animal rescue
- The link between global pandemics and the abuse of animals
- How factory farming is destroying our environment
- The growing trend toward a vegan diet and plant-based lifestyle
Baur's investigative exposés and advocacy activities have been covered by CNN, Time Magazine and The New York Times, and in 2016 he was selected by Oprah Winfrey as one of the world’s top 100 “innovators and visionaries who are aligned on a mission to move humanity forward.”
Link to Gene Baur 3-minute media reel:
Link to “The Power of Sanctuary” video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX0rStLHltw
WHAT: Gene Baur will be a special guest at the official launch of the Pegasus Animal Sanctuary Education Centre and was one of the inspirational figures behind the launch of Pegasus five years ago.
Pegasus Animal Sanctuary, located in Port Perry, 45 minutes northeast of Toronto, is a family-operated non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of animals in need. For more information, please visit: www.pegasussanctuary.com
Jack Hurst, Co-Founder of Pegasus Animal Sanctuary
jhurst@tritonpromo.com | Tel: (647) 292-1700
We welcomed our 4 newest members.
(From Left to right) Lion Bruce Dempsey, Jack Elliot, Bonnie Cohoon, Leanne Stamper, Lion Jenn Mantifel, Joanna Blink, Lion Nancy Dempsey, Lion Larry Doble and District Governor Lion Debbie Dawson. January 8, 2020
Scrap Metal, beer cans/bottles and e-Waste Collection
Spring 2019Soapbox racing August 2019We loan out our club soapbox cars to children that do not have one, so all children can compete.
Team Canada Cadet Pan Am Shauna Kuebeck placed fifth.
Shauna Kuebeck wrestling
Thank you note from the team;To the Greenbank Lions, I want to say thank you. Thank you for everything; for buying a shirt, donating money, for your encouraging words, for your continuous never ending love ❤️
In my match against India I fell short of the win, but I gained so much in knowledge and experience. Mentally I have a lot of growth still to come. Physically and technically I felt solid.
Not the results I hoped for but, a truly eye opening experience. In the last couple years I have progressed beyond what even I thought possible. I’ve hit goals and I’ve made new ones. I’ve suffered set backs, but if you can say anything about me it’s that I am resilient.
Making it to Worlds to have the honour of representing my country and my town was a tremendous milestone and goal achieved. But I’m not satisfied, nor am I done yet. I promise you the best is yet to come. 🇨🇦 ❤️VIBE CAMP at Greenbank United Church 2019
VIBE CAMP at Segrave United Church 2019
Durham forum with Lion Larry Doble and Lion Lloyd Clifton PDG
Lion Mark Lewis Ride for Diabetes Camp Huronda 2019
click for more pictures Greenbank Celebrates Canada's 150
and Lions International 100 years
We welcomed our newest member Lion Kari!
(Left to Right) Lion District A-16 Governor David Mills, Lion Kari Kuebeck, Lion Marg Prohaska and Lion President Mike Morton.
February 15, 2017
Our first Pancake Breakfast Lions service event in the new year, that was a fund raiser to help Dot Hooker and her family to cover some recent medical expenses. Admission was by donation and what an outcome.
Lion Rodd Foster putting in his donation.
Great turn out, both up and down stairs were full. About 200 to 250 people had a hot pancake breakfast.
Our wonderful group of dedicated people. (Left to right) Leanne Baker, Mike Morton, Nancy Dempsey, Daphne Kaliomaki, Kari Kuebeck, Carla Dempsey, Kiera Kuebeck, Bruce Dempsey, Jacob Morton, Jessica Morton, Larry Doble, Marg Prohaska, Jeff Taylor and Dot Hooker.
January 7, 2017
Pictures of the 4H Club's trip.
Summer 2016
Tractor Riding - Back row (Left to right) Kate Johnson, Jayton Corcoran, Carter Bodell, Scott Hackner, Blair McGlashan, Derek Hakner, Anthony Pederochy, Meghan Taylor, Tiffany Meek, Barb Hackner (Leader).
Front row (Left to Right) Kathy Corcoran (Leader), Ashley Seed, Meghan McLead, Sarah Taylor, Katie Pederachy, Ashley Marie- Ference, Madison Sutherland, Rebecca Palmquist, Jamie Wilson, Aamada Lewis, Melinda Klassans, Adam Burnett, Morgon Hull, Linda Pederachy (Leader)
The Academic Awards & Special Awards taken at Port Perry High School.
Student certificates and accompanying funds for the academic awards provided by the Port Perry High School and the Greenbank Lion's Club.
Allen Raines Memorial Award - Ashley Best and Laura Smith.
Would like to also give mention to these awardees!
Mr. & Mrs. Hutcheson Award - Warner Puckrin.
R.B Smallman Award - Ashley Best.
Ron A. Peel Award - Remington Bainbridge.
Flute making with Mr. Rensink
at Greenbank Public School Grade 5/6's.
February 2, 2017
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