Every February, we invite all Foresthill students, grades 9-12, whether they be home schooled, attend a Charter School or Foresthill High School to participate MD4 Student Speakers contest. Each year a different topic is selected and all students must make a maximum 10-minute speach talking to the designated topic. Judges rate each student on multiple criteria provided by the Lions District. In addition, each speaker that is at the Senior grade level, will earn points towards another scholarship opportunity, the Foresthill Lions annual High School Seniors Scholarships program.
The winner of Foresthill Lion’s Club contest receives a Certificate of Participation and $75.00. This winner is then eligible to participate in the next level or Zone Contest. Each of the remaining local contestants are presented with a Certificate of Participation and a check for $25.00 as well.
Lion’s Multiple District Four has sponsored this event for over 80 years, and this year the Student Speaker Foundation, a project of the Multiple District, will provide a total of $103,500.00 in scholarships to the contest winners.
Further information, applications and instructions for the Student Speaker Contest are available on line at www.studentspeaker.md4lions.org or contact Foresthill Lions at FHLionsClub@yahoo.com