
Photo Gallery

Our Social Committee planning fun events for the club!!

The Fargo Lions toured the Fargo Air Museum

Each summer we assist folks who attend events at Bluestem Amphitheater to safely and efficiently park their vehicles. We then get to enjoy the show! This shot was taken at a 2023 Chicago concert.

Here are a few of us all fired up for parking control at Bluestem Amphitheater..

To celebrate our 100th anniversary in 2021, Fargo Lions imagined a new public art piece to honor the community spirit that saved our cities during previous floods. Here is a shot of The Spirit of the Sandbagger.

The City-County Communications & Marketing Association awarded the City of Fargo an Award of Excellence for the Spirit of the Sandbagger unveiling event. Good partners!

The club provides free Vision Screening for thousands of children throughout the community.

An ongoing project is to collect and sort used eyeglasses for redistribution to folks in need.. This photo was taken in December 2023 where we combined service and FUN!

Bell ringing for the Salvation Army

2018 Legacy Project, a $5,000 donation to the Red River Valley Zoo to build a natural children's play area.. Did you know that the Statue of Liberty on the Main Avenue Bridge was also a Fargo Lions Legacy Project?

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