Fairmont and District Lions Club
$1000 each to three deserving individuals
(Graduating from High School or engaged in Post Secondary Program)
College of the Rockies – Invermere or Cranbrook Campus
For any Program of Studies
$1,000 to one individual
To provide financial support to a student from the local area defined by the boundaries of Canal Flats, Invermere, Radium and Regional District of East Kootenay Areas F and G. The student must be enrolled in and attending a post secondary educational program of study, including college, university, trade school or other post secondary training, leading to specialist certification.
- The applicant must complete the attached application form, along with the required documentation and either mail or email said forms to the Fairmont Lions Club Scholarship Committee at the address provided.
- The scholarship may be awarded to an applicant at any stage of his/her post secondary education, be it to a student just graduating high school or one already engaged in a post secondary program.
- The scholarship recognizes a student for his/her volunteer services to the community at large and/or the school community. Service to others is a primary criterion. The applicant should detail the nature, amount and times of the service and provide supporting, signed documentation from a supervisor, colleague, teacher, etc., who can confirm the service and its nature in a letter of reference.
- The application must be received on or before the first Monday of July.
As is the policy for most such awards, the announcement of the recipient(s) will be shortly after the application deadline, however the actual award of funds will be made only after the recipient(s) document their actual successful and continuing enrolment in a post secondary program. An official from the Post Secondary institution would provide this proof of enrolment and payment. It is the recipient’s responsibility to provide the Lions Club with proof of admission and program attendance and continuation.
The Lion’s Club may request the recipient(s) to attend a Club meeting at some future date to discuss the program of study for the information of the Club members.
- The Scholarship Committee of the Fairmont and District Lions Club will review all applications and make a recommendation to the Club as to the recipient(s) of the award, if any.
Scholarship for graduating from High School or already engaged in Post Secondary Program form (click link)
Scholarship for Collage of The Rockies (COTR)
Fairmont and District Lions Club
Attention Scholarship Committee
5003 Hot Springs Road
Fairmont Hot Springs, B.C. V0B1L1
Email: janet.dahlfreeman@sd6.bc.ca or
Telephone: 1 780 983 9416