1. Subject to the provisions of Article I Paragraph 2 hereinafter, any person of legal majority and good moral character and good reputation in his/her community, may be granted membership in this Lions Club. Wherever the male gender or pronoun presently appears in this Constitution and By-Laws, itshall be interpreted to mean both male and female persons.
2. Membership in this Lions Club shall be as follows:
a. ACTIVE: A member entitled to all rights and privileges and subject to all obligations
which membership in a Lions Club confers or implies. Without limiting such rights and
obligations, such rights shall include eligibility to seek, if otherwise qualified, any office
in this Club, District or Association and the right to vote on all matters requiring a vote
of the membership; and such obligations shall include regular attendance, prompt
payment of dues, participation in club activities and conduct reflecting a favourable
image of this Lions Club in the community.
b. MEMBERS-AT-LARGE: A member of this Club, who has moved from the community,
or because of health or other legitimate reason, is unable regularly to attend club
meetings and desires to retain membership in this Club, and upon whom the Board of
Directors of this Club desires to confer this status. This status shall be reviewed every six months by the Board of Directors of this Club. A Member-at-Large shall not be eligible
to hold office or to vote in District or International meetings or conventions, but shall pay
such dues as this Club may charge, which dues shall include District and International
c. HONORARY: An individual, not a member of this Lions Club, having performed
outstanding service for the community or this Lions Club, upon whom this Club desires
to confer special distinction. This Club shall pay entrance fees and International and
District dues on such a member, who may attend meetings, but shall not be entitled to
any privileges of Active Membership.
d. PRIVILEGED: A member of this Club who has been a Lion fifteen or more years,
who, because of illness, infirmities, advanced age or other legitimate reason, as
determined by the Board of Directors of thisClub, must relinquish his/her Active status.
A Privileged Member shall pay such dues as this Club may charge, which dues shall
include District and International dues. He/she shall have the right to vote and be entitled to all other privileges of membership except the right to hold Club, District or
International office.
e. LIFE MEMBER: Any member of this Club who has maintained continuous Active
membership as a Lion for 20 or more years and has rendered outstanding service to this
Club, his/her community, or this Association; or any member of this Club who has
maintained such continuous Active membership for 15 or more years and is at least 70
years of age; or any member of this Club who has maintained such continuous Active
membership for 20 or more years and hasserved as an Officer of this Association may be granted Life Membership in this Clubupon:
1. recommendation of this Club to the Association,
2. payment to the Association of a prescribed fee or its equivalent in the respective
national currency, by this Club in lieu of allfuture dues to the Association, and
3. approval by the International Board of Directors. Nothing herein shall prevent
this Club fromcharging a Life Member such dues as it shall deem proper.
A Life Member shall have all privileges of Active Membership so long as he/she fulfills
all obligations thereof.
A Life Member who desires to relocate and receives an invitation to join another Lions
Club shall automatically become a Life Member of said Club
3. Classification: In the event the membership of this Lions Club elects to grant and maintain membership on a classification basis, the following rules shall apply:
a. Classification shall be defined as any major phase of, or interest in, a business or
b. Not more than two (2) Active Memberships shall be granted in any classification.
Classifications may be established for Associates, Parent and Child, Proprietors, Partners, Officers, Managers and such other Categories as this Club may determine.
4. No person shall simultaneously hold membership, other than Honorary, in this and any other Lions Club; and no person shall simultaneously hold membership, other than Honorary, in this Lions Club and any other service club of likecharacter.
5. Membership in this Lions Club shall be acquired by invitation only. Nominations shall be made on forms provided by the International Office, which shall be signed by a member in good standing who shall act as sponsor, and be submitted to the membership chairman or the Club secretary, who, after investigation,shallsubmit the same to the Board of Directors. If approved by a majority of said Board, the prospect may then be invited to become a member of this Club. A properly filled out membership form and membership fee must be in the hands of the secretary before the member may be officially inducted into the Club or be reported to the Association as a Clubmember.
6. Reinstatement of Membership: Any member dropped from membership in this Club may be reinstated, within six (6) months from the date of termination of his/her membership by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. In the event more than six (6) months have elapsed between such termination and his/her reinstatement application, it will be necessary for him/her to come into the Club under the procedure set forth in Article 1 Paragraph 4.
7. Transfer Membership: This Club may grant membership on a transfer basis to one who has terminated or is terminating his/her membership in another Lions Club, provided that:
a. a completed transfer member form is received by the secretary of this Club within six (6) monthsfollowing the date of termination of membership in his/her former club or if the
form is not available, the member's current membership card;
b. such termination was in good standing; and
c. such transfer member formor membership card isapproved by the Board of Directors.
If more than six (6) months have elapsed between terminations of his/her membership in
another club and submittal of completed transfer member form or current membership
card, he/she may acquire membership in this Club only under the provisions of Article I, Paragraph 5.
1. Each new, reinstated and transfer member shall pay an entrance fee as determined by the Board of Directors, which fee shall :include the current Association entrance fee and be collected before suchmember is enrolled as a member of this Club and before the secretary may report such member to Lions ClubsInternational; provided, however, that the Board of Directors may elect to waive all or any part of the club portion of said entrance fee as to any member granted membership by transfer or reinstatement within six (6) months of termination of his/her prior Lions Club membership.
2. Each member of this Club shall pay regular annual dues as determined by the Board of
Directors, which dues shall include an amount to cover current International and District
(Single or Sub- and Multiple) dues (to defray the subscription price of The Lion Magazine,
administrative and annual convention costs ofthe Association and similar District costs) and shall be paid in advance at such times as the Board of Directors shall determine.
3. No dues, fees or assessments in addition to those set forth herein, may be levied. on, or required of any member, by this Club, its Board of Directors or any officer or member of this Club.
1. The secretary shall submit to the Board of Directors the name of any member who fails to pay any indebtedness due this Club within sixty60 days after receipt from the secretary of written notice thereof The Board shall thereafter decide whether the member shall be dropped from or retained on the roster.
2. Any member may be expelled fromthe Club for cause by a two-thirds vote of the entire Board of Directors.
3. The name of any Active member who shall absent him/herself from four consecutive regular meetings of the club, without acceptable cause being given to the attendance committee chairman or the club secretary, shall be submitted to the Board of Directors by the secretary at the Board meeting next following the fourth such absence, and the Board of Directors shall direct the attendance committee to investigate the reasons for the absences and report its findings to the Board. The Board shall thereafter decide whether the member shall be dropped or retained.
1. The officers of this Club shall be a President, Immediate Past President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Lion Tamer, Tail Twister and all Directors.
2. No person shall be eligible to hold office in this Club unless he/she is an Active member in good standing.
3. No officer shall receive any compensation for any service rendered to this Club in his/her official capacity with the exception of the secretary, whose compensation, if any, shall be fixed by the Board of Directors.
4. Duties:
a. PRESIDENT: He/she shall be the Chief Executive Officer of this Club; preside at all
meetings of the Board of Directors and thisClub; issue the callfor regular and special
meetings of the Board of Directors and the Club; appoint the Standing and Special
Committees of this Club and co-operate with Chairpersons thereof to effect regular
functioning and reporting of such committees; see that regular elections are duly called,
noticed and held; and co-operate with, be an active member of, the District Governor's
Advisory Committee of the Zone in which this Club is located.
b. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: He/she and the other Past Presidents shall officially
greet members and their guests at Clubmeetings and shall represent this Club in welcoming all new service-minded people in the community served by thisClub.
c. VICE-PRESIDENTS: If the President is unable to perform the duties of his/her office for any reason, the Vice-Presidentnext in rank shall occupy the position and perform the
duties with the same authority as the President. Each Vice-President shall, under the
direction of the President, oversee the functioning of such committees of this Club asthe
President shall designate.
d. SECRETARY: He/she shall be under the supervision and direction of the President and the Board of Directors and shall act as the liaison officer between the Club and the District (Single or Sub- and Multiple) in which this Club is located, and the Association. In
fulfillment of this he/she shall:
i. Submit regular monthly and other reports to the International Office of the
Association on blanks provided by it containing such information as may be
called for therein and otherwise by the Board of Directors of the Association;
ii. Submit to the District Governor's Cabinet such reports as it may require
including copies of regular membership and activities reports;
iii. Co-operate with and be an Active member of the District Governor's Advisory Committee of the Zone in which this Club islocated;
iv. Have custody and keep and maintain general records of this Club, including
records of minutes of Club and Board meetings; attendance; committee
appointments; elections; classifications (if any); addresses and telephone
numbers of members; members Club accounts;
v. Issue annual statements to each member for dues and other financial obligations
owed to this Club, collect and turn the same over to the Club Treasurer and
obtain a receipt therefor;
vi. Give bond for the faithful discharge of his/her office in such sum and with such surety as determined by the Board of Directors.
e. TREASURER: He/sheshall:
i. Receive all monies from the Secretary and otherwise, and deposit the same in a
bank or banks recommended by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board of Directors;
ii. Pay out monies in payment of Clubo bligations only on authority given by the
Board of Directors. All cheques and vouchers shall be signed by the Treasurer
and counter signed by one other officer, determined by the Board of Directors.
iii. Have custody and keep and maintain general records of Club receipts and
iv. Prepare and submit monthly and semi-annual financial reportsto the International Office of the Association and the Board of Directors of thisClub;
v. Give bond for the faithful discharge of his office in such sum and with such surety as determined by the Board of Directors.
f. LION TAMER: The Lion Tamer shall have charge of and be responsible for the property and paraphernalia of the Club, including flags, banners, gong, gavel, song books and button board. He/she shall put each in its proper place before each meeting and return the same to the property storage area after each meeting. He/she shall act as Sergeant-at-Arms at meetings, see that those present are properly seated, and distribute bulletins, favours and literature as required at Club and Board meetings. He/she shall give special attention to assure that any new members sit with a different group at each meeting so that they can become better acquainted.
g. TAIL TWISTER: He/she shall promote harmony, good fellowship, life and enthusiasm
in the meetings through appropriate stunts and games and the judicious imposition of
fines on Club members. There shall be no ruling from his/her decision in imposing a
fine, provided, however, that no fine shall exceed twenty-five (25) cents, and no member
shall be fined more than twice at any one meeting. The Tail Twister may not be fined except by the unanimous vote of all members present. All monies collected by the Tail
Twister shall be immediately turned over to the Treasurer and a receipt be given therefor.
h. MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR: The Membership Director shall be the chairperson of the
Membership Committee. The responsibilities for this position shall be:
I. Development of a growth program specifically forthe Club and presented to the
Board of Directors for approval.
II. Regular encouragement at Club meetings to bring in new, quality members.
III. Preparation and implementation of orientation sessions.
IV. Reporting to the Board of Directors on ways to reducethe loss of embers.
V. Co-ordination with other Club committees in fulfilling these responsibilities.
VI. Serving as a member of the Zone level Membership Committee.
1. The members of the Board of Directors shall be the President, immediate Past President, the Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Lion Tamer, Tail Twister and all elected Directors.
2. Regular meetings ofthe Board of Directors shall be held monthly at such time and place as the Board shall determine.
3. Special meetings of the Board of Directorsshall be held when called by the President, or when requested by five (5) or more members of the Board of Directors, at such time and place as the President shall determine.
4. The presence in person of a majority of its members shall constitute a quorum at any
meeting of the Board of Directors. Except as otherwise specifically provided, the act of a
majority of the Directors present at any meeting of the Board shall be the act and decision of the entire Board of Directors.
5. Duties andPowers: In addition to those duties and powers, express and implied, set forth elsewhere in this Constitution and By Laws, the Board of Directors shall have the following duties and powers:
a. It shall constitute the Executive Board of this Club and be responsible for the execution, through the Club officers, of the policies approved by the Club. All new business and policy of this Club shall be considered and shape first, by the Board of Directors for presentation to and approval by the Club members at a regular orspecial Club meeting.
b. It shall authorize all expenditures and shall not create any indebtedness beyond the
income of this Club, nor authorize disbursal of Club funds for purposes inconsistent with
the business and policy authorized by the Club membership.
c. It shall have power to modify, override or rescind the action of any officer of thisClub.
d. It shall have the books, accounts and operation of this Club audited annually or, in its
discretion, more frequently and may require an accounting or have an audit made of the
handling of any Club funds by any officer, committee or member of this Club. Any
member of thisClub, in good standing, may inspect any such audit or accounting upon
request, at a reasonable time and place.
e. It shall appoint, on recommendation of the Finance Committee, a bank or banks for the deposit of the funds of this Club.
f. It shall appoint the surety for the bonding of any officer of this Club.
g. It shall not authorize, nor permit, the expenditure, for any administrative purpose, of the net income of projects or activities of this Club by which funds are raised fromthe public.
h. It shall submit all matters of new business and policy to the respective Standing or
Special Club committee for study and recommendation to the Board.
i. It shall name and appoint, subject to approval of the Clubmember ship, the delegates and alternates ofthis Club to District (Single or Sub- and Multiple) and International
Conventions, of the Association.
ARTICLE VII - Elections
1. The officers of this Club, excluding the Immediate Past President,shall be elected as follows:
a) A nomination meeting shall be held in March of each year, with the date and place of such meeting to be determined by the Board of Directors and notice thereof mailed to each member of this Club at least ten (10) days prior to the time of the holding thereof.
b) The President shall appoint a nominating committee which shall submit the names of
candidates for the various Club offices to the Club at the nomination meeting. At this
meeting, nominations for all offices to be filled in the succeeding year may also be made
from the floor.
c) If, in the interim between the nomination meeting and the election meeting, any nominee is unable, for any reason, to serve in the office to which he/she was nominated and for which office there was no other nominee, the nominating committee shall submit, at the election meeting, names of additional nominees for that office.
d) An election meeting shall be held no later than April 15 of each year, at a time and place determined by the Board of Directors and two (2) weeks prior written notice thereof
shall be given to each member of the Club by the secretary, by mail or personal delivery.
Such notice shall include the names of all nominees approved at the preceding
nomination meeting, and, subject to Section C above, a statement that these nominees
will be voted upon at this election meeting. No nominations may be made from the floor
at the election meeting.
e) Subject to the provisions of Section H of this Article VII, all officers, other thanDirectors,
shall be elected annually and shall take office on July 1st and shall hold office for one (1)
year from that date, or until their successors shall have been elected and qualified.
f) A Membership Committee shall be composed of three (3) elected members for a
three(3)yearterm. Initially,three(3)members will be elected. One (1) member shall serve
for one (1) year, the second member for two (2) years, and the third member for three (3) years. Each year thereafter, a new member will be elected. Each member shall serve for three (3) continuous years on a rotation system. Thus, the first year member shall be a
member of the committee, the second year member shall be its vice-chairperson and the
third year member shall serve as its chairperson and as membership director on the Club's Board of Directors.
g) One-half of the Directors shall be elected annually and shall take office on the July 1
next following their election, and shall hold office for two (2) years from that time, or
until their successors shall have been elected and qualified, with the exception that at the first election held after the adoption of this Constitution and By-Laws, one-half of the
Directors shall be elected for two year a term and the other one-halfoftheDirectors shall be elected for one year terms.
h) The election shall be by ballot by those present and qualified to vote. A plurality vote
shall be necessary to elect.
i) Removal: Any officer of this Club may be removed from office for good cause by two-
thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Club membership.
1. If the office of President or of any Vice-President shall become vacant for any reason, the Vice-Presidents shall advance in office, according to their rank.In the event such provision for advancement shall fail to fill the office of President, or First or Second Vice-President, the Board of Directors shall thereon call a special election, giving eachmember ingood standing prior two (2) weeks’ notice of the time and place thereof, which time and place shall be determined by said Board, and such office shall be filled at said election meeting.
2. In the event of a vacancy in the office of any other officers, the Board of Directors may
appoint a member to fill the unexpired term.
3. In the event vacancies shall be of such number as to reduce the number of Directors to less than the number required for a quorum. The membership of the Club shall have power to fill such vacancies by an election held at any regular meeting of the Club upon prior notice, and in the manner specified in Section B hereinafter. Such notice may be given by any remaining officer or director, but if none, then by any member.
4. In the event any officer-elect, before his/her term of office commences, is unable or refuses for any reason to serve therein, the President may call a special nomination and election meeting to elect a replacement forsuch officer-elect. Two (2) weeks prior notice of such meeting, setting forth the purpose, time and place thereof, shall be given to each member, by mail or personal delivery. The election shall be held immediately after nominations have been closed and a plurality vote shall be necessary for election.
1. Regular meetings of this Club shall be held, no less than twice in each month, at a time and place recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by the Club. All meetings shall begin and end, promptly, at the regular set times. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Constitution and By-Laws, notice of regular meetings shall be given in such manner as the Board of Directors deems proper.
2. Special meetings of this Club may be called by the President in his discretion, and shall be called by the President when requested by the Board of Directors, at a time and place
determined by the person or body requesting the same. Notice of special meetingssetting
forth the purpose, time and place thereofshall be given to each member of this Club, by mail or personal delivery, at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date thereof.
3. A Charter Night anniversary meeting of this Club may be held each year, at which time
special attention shall be devoted to the objects and ethics of Lionism, and the history of this Club.
4. An Annual Meeting of this Club shall be held in June of each year at a time and place
determined by the Board of Directors, at which meeting the final reports of the retiring officers shall be read and newly elected officers shall be installed.
5. The presence in person of a majority of the members in good standing shall be necessary for a quorum at any meeting of this Club.
6. Any member who fails to pay any indebtedness due this Club within sixty (60) days after receipt from the secretary of written notice thereof shall thereon forfeit his/her good standing and shall so remain until such indebtedness is paid in full. Only members in good standing may exercise the voting privilege and hold office in the Club.
7. Except as otherwise specifically provided, the act of a majority of the members present at any meeting shall be the act and decision of the entire Club.
1. The emblem and colours of this Club shall be the same asthe emblem and colours of The International Association of LionsClubs.
2. The fiscal year of this Club shall be July 1st through June 30th.
1. In as much as The International Association of LionsClubsis governed by Lions Clubs in convention assembled, and in order that this Club may have its voice in Association matters, this Club shall have power to pay the necessary expenses of its delegates to each annual convention of the Association. This Club shall be entitled in any convention of this Association, to one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate for every twenty-five (25), or major: fraction thereof of its members as shown by the records of the International Office on the first day of the month last preceding that month during which the convention is held, PROVIDED, however, that thisClub shall be entitled to at least one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate. The major fraction referred to in this section shall be thirteen or more members. The selection of each such delegate and alternate shall be evidenced by a certificate signed by the President or Secretary or any other duly authorized officer of this Club, or, in the eventno such club officer is in attendance at the Convention, by the District Governor or District Governor-Elect of the District (Single or Sub-) of which this Club is a member.
2. In as much as all District matters are presented and adopted at the District (Single, Sub- and Multiple) conventions, this Club shall send its full quota of delegates to all such conventions and have power to pay the necessary expenses ofsuch delegates attending such conventions.
ThisClub shall be entitled in each annual convention of its District (Single or Sub- and
Multiple) to one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate for each ten (10) members, or major
fraction thereof, of this Club as shown by the records of the International Office on the first day of the month last preceding that month during which the Convention is held,
PROVIDED, however, that this Club shallbe entitled to at least one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate. Each certified delegate present in person shallbe entitled to cast one vote of his choice for each office to be filled by, and one vote of his choice on each question submitted to, the respective convention. The majorfraction referred to in this Section shall be five or more members.
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Constitution and By-Laws, all questions of Order or Procedure with respect to any meeting or action of this Club, its Board of Directors or any committee appointed is revised from time to time.
1. This Constitution may be amended at any regular or special meeting of this Club, at which a quorum is present, by the affirmative vote of seventy-five percent (75%) of the members present in person and voting, provided the Board has previously considered the merits of the amendments.
2. No amendment shall be put to vote, unless written notice thereof: stating the proposed
amendment, shall have been mailed or delivered personally to each member of this Club at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting at which the vote on the proposed amendment is to be taken.
1. This Club shall not endorse or recommend any candidate for public office, nor shall partisan politics or sectarian religion be debated by members in meetings of this Club.
2. Except to further his/her progress in Lionism, no officer or member of this Club shall use his/ her membership as a means of furthering any personal, political, or other aspiration, nor shall the Club, as a whole, take part in any movement not :in keeping with its purposes and objects.
3. No funds shall be solicited from members of the Club during meetings by any individual or individuals who are not members of the Club. Any suggestion or proposition made at any meeting of this Club calling for the expenditure of money for other than the regular
obligations shall be referred to the Finance Committee.
4. Committees:
a. Standing Committees maybe appointed by the President as required, or as recommended by Lions International.
b. SpecialCommittees: From time to time, the President may appoint, with the approval of the Board of Directors, such SpecialCommittees asmay be necessary in his/her judgment or the judgment of the Board of Directors.
c. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
d. All committees shall consist of a chairperson and, subject to Section 2 above, as many members as shall be considered necessary bythe President.
e. Each committee, through its chairperson, shallreport, either verbally or in writing, each
month to the Board of Directors.
f. All problems pertaining to either administrative or activity matters shall be referred
to the corresponding committee for study and recommendation to the Board of Directors.
5. Each Lion member should attend every Club meeting. Lions who unavoidably miss a
meeting of their club are given an opportunity to "make up" such absence. This can be done if, within thirteen (13) days prior to and thirteen (13) days following the missed meeting, they attend one of the following:
a. A meeting of any other Lions Club, either special or regular;
b. A meeting of the Board of Directors of their own club;
c. A duly constituted meeting of a standing committee of their own Club;
d. Any meeting scheduled or sponsored by themember's own club, including fund raising
and service activities;
e. A Regional meeting;
f. A Zone meeting;
g. An International, Provincial, State, District or Area convention
h. A lion who visits the office of Lions Clubs International when in Oak Brook, or any
District, Provincial or State office outside the country of which the visiting Lion is a
member, is allowed attendance make-up if such visit is made within the above named time limits. Cards announcing visits are presented to Lions when they visit such offices;
i. A member who is forced to miss meeting(s) by reason of illness shall automatically be
granted attendance credit for meetings(s) missed upon acceptable evidence ofsaid
j. A member who is forced to miss meetings, as a result of military service, jury duty,
elected government position or other statutory requirements shall, by decision of the
Club's Board of Directors, be given attendance credit for meetings missed;
k. A Lion who finds it necessary, or is assigned, to perform occupational duties for an
extended period in place from which one cannot readily attend a Lions Club meeting
may be granted, in the discretion of the Club, credit for meetings missed thereby.
Lion’s members are reminded that any member that shall absent him/ herself from four
consecutive regular meetings of the Club, without acceptable cause, will be asked by the Membership Committee for their reasons for absence. Such absence could lead to cessation of Club membership.
It is up to each and every member to advise the secretary of a makeup.
6. These By-Laws may be altered, amended or repealed at any regular or special meeting of this Club at which a quorum is present, by the vote of seventy-five percent (75%) of the members present in person and voting.
7. By-Law Amendments: No amendment shall be put to vote unless written notice thereof,
stating the proposed amendment shall have been mailed or delivered personally to each
member at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting at which the vote on the amendment is to be taken. Any By-Law may be suspended at any meeting of the Club at which a quorum is present by the unanimous vote of all members present.
8. Address: The official mailing address of the Club is 5003 Hot Springs Rd, Hot Springs, B.C., VOB lL1. On written notice to the Board of Directors, the books and records may be inspected by any member in good standing at such time and place as it may direct.
9. The Club may, by majority resolution of a quorum of members present at any regular or
special meeting, authorize the borrowing of money and giving of security for it, providing
such resolution falls within the purposes and objectives of the organization, subject to the
1. Upon winding up or dissolution of this society, the assets which remain after payment of all costs, charges and expenses which are properly incurred in winding up shall be distributed to such charitable organization or organizations in British Columbia having similar charitable purposes. This provision shall be unalterable.
ACCEPTED AND ADOPTED this day of, 2018