
President:  Mike Pettiijean

1st Vice President: Bill Hartman

2nd Vice President:  

3rd Vice President:  June Hubert

Past President:  Tammy Edminston

Secretary: Sally Conard

Treasurer:  Cole Cassity

Tail Twister:  Bob Symmonds

Lion Tamer: Houston Sober

LCIF Coordinator: 

Board Members:
Houston Sober (1st of 3 yr term) 
John Rich (2nd of 3 yr term) (2nd term)

Gary Post (3rd of 3 yrTerm)

Cleve Cook/Emporia Lions Committee
Mike Pettijean (President)
Cole Cassity (Treasurer)

Roy Gallup (1st of 3 yr term) (2nd tern)
Gary Post (2nd of 3 yr term) (2nd term)
Bob Symmonds (3rd of 3 yr term)(2nd term)

Standing Committees 
    Budget - Cole Cassity, chair
    Programs - Bill Hartman, chair
Publicity - Jen Baldwin, Chair

     Membership - Bob Symmonds, chair

    Diabetes Awaeness - Wilma Malone, chair


    Christmas project - Tammy Edmiston, chair 
    Fundraising - Cole Cassity, chair;
    Salvation Army Bells - Gary Post, chair
Keep it a Safe Summer - Steve Haught, chair
    Lions Mobile Screening Unit - Cole Cassity, chair
Senior Prom Valet Parking - John Rich, chair
Vision Screening - Sally Conard & Jane Symmonds


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