Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club - 1st PINNING CEREMONY
Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired
District Governor Sharon Jordon-Crowley, 1st Vice District Governor Martha E. Brown
[Corresponding Secretary, Lion Stephanie Harbin with camera - Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club]
[Guiding Lion, Deborah Love of Sponsor Club Greater Metro Detroit Lions Club]
District Governor Sharon Jordon-Crowley and 1st Vice District Governor Martha E. Brown
In back - Corresponding Secretary, Lion Stephanie Harbin of Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club
Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG) Martin Malone; District Governor Sharon Jordon-Crowley;
1st Vice District Governor Martha E. Brown
[Treasurer & 1st Vice President of Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club - Lion H. Jay Felton - In Back]
Being PINNED by Immediate Past District Governor ( IPDG) & Guiding Lion Martin Malone
Lion Patsy McIntosh, Lion Cheryl Gordon, Lion Stephanie Harbin, Lion Clara Kirkland, and
Lion Dorothy Knight
Being PINNED by Immediate Past District Governor ( IPDG) & Guiding Lion Martin Malone
Lion Clara Kirkland, Lion Stephanie Harbin, Lion Cheryl Gordon, & Lion Patsy McIntosh
Being PINNED by Immediate Past District Governor ( IPDG) & Guiding Lion Martin Malone
Lion Maggie Lee Williams-Hinton (Lion Evelyn Pinkard looking on)
Being PINNED by Immediate Past District Governor ( IPDG) & Guiding Lion Martin Malone
Lion Maggie Lee Williams-Hinton
Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club - PINNING CEREMONY - JULY 2015 - IPDG Martin Malone pinning
Lion Sheena Pinkard (Lion Maggie Lee Williams-Hinton standing to the left)
at Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Lions Maggie Lee Williams Hinton, Sheena Pinkard, and Evelyn Pinkard
Standing to be PINNED - Lion Mary Easter, Lion Marjorie Allen, Lion Dorethea, Lion H. Jay Felton and Lion Rene Allen
Lions Mary Easter, Marjorie Allen, Dorethea Brooks, H. Jay Felton, and Rene Allen
District Governor Sharon Jordon-Crowley Pinning Lion Rene Allen
(Lions preparing pins: Mary Easter, Marjorie Allen, Dorethea Brooks, H. Jay Felton)
PINNING CEREMONY - 1st Vice District Governor Martha E. Brown
Lion Latricia Wright and Lion Sabrina Rhodes
Lions Sabrina Rhodes and Latricia Wright preparing to be PINNED by
1st Vice District Governor Martha E. Brown and District Governor Sharon Jordon-Crowley
Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club - Guiding Lion Deborah Love (GMD)
Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club
EDAC ~ Emerging Detroit Arts & Culture Lions Club
"Awakening the Spirit of Community & Global Leadership via Arts & Culture Initiatives."
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