About Us
Cumberland Lions is a non-sectarian, non political service organization directly connected to the wider world of Lions Clubs through Lions Clubs International. Our motto is ‘’We Serve’’ and this is the underlying principle of our association.
Lions are made up of dedicated volunteers who serve their communities wherever the need is the greatest. To this end, Lions Clubs engage in projects that range from global, national, provincial, district, city to community purposes. In addition to humanitarian service, Lions enjoy great fellowship and create opportunities for the development of leadership skills always striving toward the common goal of helping those in need.
The Cumberland Lions Club (CLC) seeks to serve where the need is the greatest and holds specific fundraising events throughout the year in support of the community. These include events such as Maplefest, Rock & Roll Night, Farmers' Market, Breakfast with Santa, Suppers, and Murder Mystery Nights. There are also many events which are not of a fundraising nature such as Remembrance Day, Canada Day and Charter Night. Periodically, the Club is called upon to assist with community events e.g. Winterfest.
The CLC manages the local tennis court located next to the R.J. Kennedy Arena on Dunning Road, in Cumberland, on behalf of the City of Ottawa. 2023 Season information coming soon.
The Club also owns a hall which can be rented for various functions such as weddings, anniversarys, birthdays, family reunions, fundraisers and meetings. For more information please check out the Maple Hall Rentals page.
Board of Directors
President: Gail Lanktree
Vice President: Sandy Gauthier
Secretary: Nicole Kirouac
Treasurer: Andre Richer
LCIF Director: Andy Etherington
Social Services Director: Vince Amelotte
Hall Maintenance Director: Yves Gauthier
Membership Chair: Theresa St-Denis