
The Lions Club Of 

Christ Church West

 Club Projects- Archive


Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all.

Sam Ewing

-- 2014 - 2015 Projects --




"Progress is impossible without change,and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything".

George Bernard Shaw



A beach clean-up was done at the Hilton beach on August 30.

Visit our facebook page.



The program was launched at the Vauxhall Senior Citizens' Village on September 4 and is ongoing.



The club partnered with Sheraton Mall to provide a sign language translator for their Reading Corner on September 6 as part of the mall's anti-bullying campaign.

Visit our facebook page.

Thank you! to our corporate partner, Sheraton Mall.




“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Literacy In The Blind Display

This display was held at Sheraton Mall on October 4, in collaboration with the National United Society of the Blind (NUSB) and BARNOD.

Participants demonstrated the use of low-vision readers, Brailling and audiobooks and combination Braille/ written books.

Visit our facebook page.

Thank you! to our corporate partner, Sheraton Mall.




Schools' Independence Quiz

This quiz was a joint project between our club and Barbados South Lions, co-ordinated by Lion Gracelyn and Lion Corliss, from those respective clubs.

It involved students from the primary schools in our areas and the final, on November 25,  was televised on CBC TV-8.

The winner was the Blackman and Gollop school.





"Clear your mind of can't."

Samuel Johnson



Thank you ! to our corporate partner, Berger Paints Ltd. who donated paint to the refurbishment project at the Vauxhall Senior Citizens' Village.

This event was covered by the Daily Nation newspaper.




Club members were invoved in the organization of and participated in the Zone 3A "March Against Drugs" which was held on January 31st. Primary school students and Lions marched  through the capital city of Bridgetown to encourage youth to say "No" to illegal drug use.

This event was covered by CBC-TV 8 and Barbados Today online paper.

Visit our facebook page.



The club donated equipment to the Orthoptics clinic of the Lions Eyecare Center at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. This clinic primarily treats children and these devices assist in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders like strabismus ("squint") and amblyopia ("lazyeye").

This event was covered by CBC-TV 8.














Club Projects!

"Whether you think You Can or whether

you think You Can't, You're Right!"

- Henry Ford -


-- 2013 - 2014 Projects --






1.School uniforms and shoe vouchers were donated to needy children in our catchment areas.Books and other stationery were donated to schools.


2. Donation of girls dresses, uniforms, blouses and shoes were made to a representative of the Pegwell Church to be distributed to the needy children of the Sunday School Department.


3.Lion Gracelyn accompanied the campers of "Camp Transformation" sponsored by the Haggatt Hall HIV Educational Committee.

They went to to an educational tour to George Washington House and then on to Three Houses Park for a picnic.


Global Service Action Campaign for August- " Engaging Our Youth"
Aim- HIV Education and Prevention

Two youth volunteers assisted with the distribution of educational pamphlets on HIV/AIDS and condoms to adolescents and young adults in the community (45 persons). 

Areas included St.Matthias, Worthing, Sargeants Village, Vauxhall.
International Literacy Day
In recognition of International Literacy day ( September 8, 2013) a display on "Literacy in the  Blind" was held at Pages/ Cave Shepherd in Bridgetown to educate the public on this unique  form of literacy.
It was a joint effort with Duty-Free Caribbean Holdings and the Barbados  National Organization for the Disabled (BARNOD).
The participants were:
Roger Vaughan - President, BARNOD
Granville Carter - 1st V.P
AnneMarie Goddard - member
Leroy Smith - member
Eudalie Wickham - Floor member
Marjorie Watson - Adjustment to Blindness Officer at the Disabilities Unit
Demonstrations were done on the use of JAWS for Windows, which is a computer software for  the blind;  the Braille machine and another machine which magnifies print for the reader.
Thank you! to our corporate partner Duty Free Caribbean Holdings.
Environmental Service Project
Six Lions participated in  "Clean-Up Barbados 2013" on September 21,2013 which is coordinated by the Future Center Trust.
We worked at two clean-up sites:
1. Sandy Beach,  Worthing, Christ Church
Lions- Alison, Delores, Marcilia, Glovena, Celia.
2.Morgan Lewis, St. Andrew
Lion John
Arbor Day
Lion Eleanor donated seedlings to the St. Lawrence primary school.
Seniors Projects
1. The venetian blinds were installed at the Vauxhall Senior Citizens Village to complete that phase of the refurbishment project.
Thank you! to our corporate partner Star Products Ltd. 
2. Seniors from the Vauxhall Senior Citizens Village were taken to the Zone senior citizens' picnic on September 29, 2013 held at Silver Sands.
Fund Raiser
A fish fry was held at the Bay Street Esplanade on September 27, 2013.
Thank you! to our corporate partners Ocean Fisheries Ltd and 
Roberts Manufacturing Ltd.
"The only place success comes before work is in a dictionary"
Vince Lombardi
Diabetes/ HIV Awareness And Action
Community Health screening was done at Sheraton Mall on November 16, 2013. 
Members of the public were screened for diabetes and HIV. Blood pressure checks were also done.
Pamphlets on HIV and condoms were distributed.
Thank you! to our corporate partner, Sheraton Mall.
Fund Raiser
A breakfast was held at the Bay street Esplanade on November 16, 2013.
Thank you! to our corporate partner, Pine Hill Dairy.
21st Charter Anniversary Events
Media Promotion
The club President was a guest on CBC-TV 8 "Mornin' Barbados on
November 18, 2013 and spoke on the history and activities of the club, ongoing projects and aspects of Lionism.
Church Service
The charter anniversary service was held at the St. Matthias Anglican church on November 24, 2013.
Charter Lunch
Lunch was held at the Accra Beach hotel on November 24, 2013 and the guest speaker was Dr. Chelston Brathwaite.
The event was covered by CBC-TV 8.
Lions Children First
A seminar on healthy nutrition was conducted by Mrs Marion Harte at the Unique school on December 6, 2013.
The event was organized by Lion Eleanor and impacted 30 persons.
Club members participated in ":Christmas with the Lions" at the Prime Minister's official residence, Ilaro Court.
"It is not enough to be good. You must be good for something. The world must be a better place for your presence and the good that is in you must be spread to others".
Gordon B. Hinckley
Fund Raiser
A  concert was held on January 26, 2014 at the Prince Cave auditorium whuch featured the band of the Royal Barbados Police Force.
Guest performers included Sister Magrita Marshall, the sign group from the Irving Wilson School and Cyclone.
The patron of the event was Senator Kerry-Ann Ifill, the President of the Senate of Barbados.
Sharing The Vision
A SARA CE device was presented to a blind student at the Deighton Griffith School on January 31,2014. 
This equipment, along with a Focus 40 Blue Braille Display, was fully donated by our project partner, the Sandy Lane Charitable Trust.
These technological devices will have a significant impact on this student's education.
The event was covered by the Barbados Advocate newspaper. See our photo page on this site also.
Thank you! to the Sandy Lane Charitable Trust.
Lions Children First
Lion Alison and Lion Randy presented healthy snacks to the students of the Unique School, on February 14, 2014.
Disaster Relief
On February 21st food items,clothing and kitchen equipment were presented to two (2)fire victims. 
 On February 28th a presentation of clothing was made to two (2) fire victims.
Diabetes Awareness And Action
One Lion conducted blood sugar and cholesteral testings on February 15, at Cost-u-Less Complex, St. Thomas, in association with the
Diabetes Association of Barbados.

Fund Raiser
A raffle for a staycation at Divi Southwinds Resort was done and the draw was made on March 12, 2014 at the den, as scheduled.
The winner was Ms. Heather Wall.
Lions Children First
A cheque was presented to the principal of the Irving Wilson School to assist with their special educational programs for blind, deaf and autistic children.
This event took place on March 24, at the headquarters of the Daily Nation newspaper and was covered by them.
See our photo page on this site also.

“To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”


Lions Children First
Lion Angela donated items of furniture for the Living Skills project at the Irving Wilson School.They were delivered in June.


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