Club Projects

Lions Youth Camp - Salvation Army Toy Mountain -
Colonel Belcher Trivia and Birthdays - Adopt A Family
to the description below. Saves scrolling!)

Walk For Dog Guides
Purina Walk for Dog Guides is a national event held annually by the Lions Foundation of Canada in excess of 180 communities across Canada. In Calgary, Mountainview Lion Colin Graver chairs the committee that oversees this event each year. Held at the end of May in Confederation Park the event raises thousands of dollars for the national Dog Guide program. Usually accompanied by a BBQ provided by a Lion's Club, the morning is an active one with many dogs and their humans enjoying the beautiful park walks. In 2014, the walk raised over $19,000 for the national program.
Calgary Stampede Road Race Breakfast
For the past four years, the Mountainview Lions Club members have provided a scrumptuous, off-the-griddle pancake breakfast for all the participants in the Stampede Road Race. Lion Dave Fairless organizes this event each year involving over 20 Lions and friends. The early morning schedule of set up and preparation is gruelling but, in the spirit of Lionism, enthusiasm and hard work abound. In 2014, the race took place on July 6th and, of course, the Mountainview club were in full vigor demonstrating their griddle techniques. This year the Stampede Road Race supported a number of children's charities. The race is held annually at the Glenmore Track in southwest Calgary.
Trivia and Birthday Celebrations for Colonel Belcher Residents
On two Sundays each month, Lions Sandra Rowe (left) and Irene Graver (centre) lead the residents of Colonal Belcher Care Facility in a rousing game of Trivia - certainly appreciated by all who participate. The trivia questions and answers are prepared by Lions Colin (right) and Irene and are mainly focused on past events. On the last Tuesday of each month Lions Sandra, Christina, and Irene hold a birthday party, complete with cake, for those celebrating birthdays in that month. These two programs are eagerly looked forward to by the residents at Colonel Belcher and have become an integral part of their monthly activities.
Bowwest Community Resource Centre
Soon after the Mountainview Club was formed in 2004, Lion Joey Hyde-Wilson established a club partnership with Bowwest Community Centre which has lead to the involvement of the Club in many activities and needs of the Centre. The first project undertaken by the Club was to finish and organize the downstairs area at the Centre where most of the donated clothing is stored. Additional programs were established as the partnership developed including support of the Mother Goose Program; providing funding for emergency situations such as food, prescriptions and clothing; donation of used furniture to needy families as well as providing supplies for the Centre itself such as computers, appliances and telephones. Lion Sandra Rowe is the club's liaison with Bowwest and is in constant communication with the Centre's staff to determine how best the Club can be of assistance to Bowwest's clients. The Bowwest Community Resource Centre is an advocate and referral centre for 24 communities in the northwest of Calgary whose clients are in need of assistance with the basic needs of everyday living. For more information on these services provided by BCRC, visit their webpage at (In the picture from L to R: Mountainview Lions Colin, Tim, John, Joey, Jim, and Victor)
Twin Arenas Hockey Tournament BBQ Breakfast and Lunch
Now an annual tradition, Mountainview Lions organize and cook a pancake breakfast and hot lunch for the Twin Arenas Hockey tournament. Held each year at the Crowchild Twin Arenas, the tournament attracts teams from all over Alberta for a weekend of good play and community involvement. Usually held on an April weekend, the club members often have to brave the worst of Calgary weather - snow, sleet, wind, and cold. But none of this can keep the pancakes from flipping or the hamburgers from sizzling. Armed with tents and equipment, the Club member bundle up to serve for over 100 of the hockey tournament participants.
Salvation Army Toy Mountain
Mountainview Lions have, for a number of years, met at the Salvation Army Warehouse in December to take part in the "Toy Mountain" project. Lions were put into teams to find appropriate presents for a list of children identified by age and gender. These gifts would then be distributed by the Salvation Army to needy families to help make their Christmas a bit brighter. Toys are donated to organizations all over Calgary and brought to the warehouse to be sorted. (Picture Left to Right - Lions John, Carol and Margaret)
Lions Youth Camp, Alberta
Mountainview Lion Tim Clarke first became involved with the Lions Youth Camp in 2006 assisting on workdays helping in camp maintenance and clean-up. Lions Tim has since produced the LYC Health, Safety and Environmental Plans as a working document and to ensure compliance with provincial legislation. Since that time, Mountainview Club members have regularly contributed many hours to assist in the clean-up and maintenance of the camp located on the banks of Dog Pound Creek in Cremona, Alberta.
Peace Poster Project
Mountainview Lion Bill Chennells annually coordinates the Peace Poster entries from our club. Lion Bill approached a number of Calgary Northwest Junior High Schools and received a very enthusiastic response from H.D. Cartwright School to participate in the Peace Poster program. In 2012-2013 the winner was Cheshta Sharma and her entry placed 2nd in the District. In 2013-2014 the District Winner, sponsored by the Mountainview Club, was Samia Saleem, a grade seven student at H.D. Carwright School. Saleem (4th from right) is seen here with members of her family, Lion Bill Chennells (3rd from right), Lion Joey Hyde Wilson (2nd from right), and Lion Margaret Brucker (centre) Chairperson of the Peace Poster Committee and presenting Saleem with her prize.
CLERC (Canadian Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centre)
The CLERC Centre in Calgary is the only one in Canada and has been in operation for the past five years. Collected eyeglasses are cleaned, sterilized, graded, bagged and tagged before being sent to 3rd world countries. Mountainview Lions regularly volunteer to assist in this process coordinated by Lions Margaret Young and Dave Fairless. On the right, Lion Joey is using the machine that reads the glasses prescription.
Calgary Food Bank
On Tuesday, June 4th, members of Mountainview Lions volunteered their time at the Calgary Food Bank. Lion Bill Chennells organizes this activity for the Club (far left). Small care packages of snacks or hygiene products were made up from donated items. The shifts are 3 hours long with a 15 minute tea/coffee break. The Mountainview club has agreed to do this activity once every three months or as needed.
Brentwood Community Association BBQ
On Sunday, June 16th, 2013, seven members of the Mountainview Lions Club provided a sizzling hamburger and hotdog BBQ as part of the celebratiion of the 50th Anniversay of the Brentwood Community Association in Calgary. More than 500 hungry attendees were served. At the end of the event, not a morsel of food was to be found. A success for all!
Adopt A Family
Each Christmas, the Club goes shopping for gifts for the children of a family selected by the Bowwest Community Resource Centre. The families are usually new to the area and would otherwise not have the resources to provide those special packages for their family on Christmas morning. Members of the club take a "wish list" provided by the family and Bowwest and try to match the wishes of the children as closely as possible. If funds are left over, a gift certificate for groceries is provided to the family.
Pet Expo
The Calgary Pet Expo takes place each spring and features hundreds of pets, pet products, service providers, entertainers, clubs and organizations catering to pets. Each year Mountainview Lions take their turn giving out information on Lions and the Purina Walk for Dog Guides. Purina's Walk for Dog Guides takes place every May to raise funds and awareness for the Dog Guide program in Canada. Mountainview Lions John, Joey, Shiny, and Colin participated in this years Pet Expo. Shown in picture are Lions Colin and Shiny.