Welcome to Calgary
Mountainview Lions Club Website!
We are located in the foothills of the
Rocky Mountains in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
We hope you enjoy roaming around our website.
The Mountainview Club is very spirited so there are lots of articles and pictures of our service projects, fundraising events, and club interests.
The tabs at the left will help you to navigate to find
information on the club's many activities.
E N J O Y!

OR email us at: cmlc77934@gmail.com
L A T E S T N E W S!
School gets new playground - out with the old - in with the new!
Mountainview always ready to help Seniors in their community.
Guest speaker, Dianne Cooper-Ponte, from the Calgary Seniors Resource Society (CSRS) thanked the club for the years of support for three of the Society's programs and spoke of the continuing need not only for funding support but also for volunteers for their many programs. Once again this Christmas, the club is supporting the "Adopt A Grandparent" program through the "Christmas Cheer Up" campaign.
Volunteers deliver stockings full of gifts to isolated seniors and spend an hour or so with them during the holidays as many seniors spend Christmas completely alone without the companionship of family or friends. The club provides funding to fill at least 100 of these stockings.

For more information on the Calgary Seniors Resource Society, please click on their logo.
(Picture: Dianne Cooper-Ponte on the left, club President Lion Margaret Young on right)
For The Children . . . .

(In picture from left to right: Lions John, Betty Ann, Sandra, Joey, Margaret, and Director Patty Bambrick.)
Club Assists Students Heading for University.
With the assistance of matching funding from LOAF (Lions of Alberta Foundation), the club provided funding for two graduating students from Calgary's Robert Thursk
High School who had enrolled in the University of Calgary to continue their education. On June 18th at the school's Graduation Ceremony, the two students received their $1,000 scholarships from Club President, Lion Betty Ann Adams (centre in picture). The students will be attending a club meeting in the fall to tell members a bit about their future plans.
After the Club provided two early morning breakfasts to the students and teachers of St. Rita School in Calgary, many beautifully decorated "thank you" cards and posters were received. This was the first year of the Club's School Breakfast Program which was initiated and organized by Lion Dodie.
The Mountainview Lions Club has gone Virtual!

in the coming year. It has enabled the Club to retain Members who otherwise would not be eligible to continue as an active Member of the club.
About Mountainview Lions

Its members come from diverse backgrounds which add to the organization and interest of the club. Mountainview Lions' activities support not only the local community but also international initiatives.
These include disaster relief both national and international,"Sight First" which helps eliminate unnecessary blindness throughout the world, and humanitarian service identified by the International Association.
Locally, the club assists individuals in need, works with seniors, assists sport groups, and works with youth. Fund raising for these activities is on-going
throughout the year.
If you wish to speak with a club Lion regarding our projects and activities or for membership information, please contact:
Margaret Young, President 2015-2016
Sandra Rowe, Membership Chairman
The Club meets at the Triwood Community Centre in Northwest Calgary on the
2nd and 4th Tuesday each month.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.