Activities In and Around the Mountainview Club
Certificate of Appreciation presented.
At the November 10th, 2015 meeting, Lion Colin was
presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by Lion Presdient Margaret. The Certificate was for the many years of work Lion Colin has performed for the Purina Walk for Dog Guides. As Chairman of the Calgary Walk in 2015, the Walk raised over $19,000 for the national Dog Guide program.
Club receives 30 Year Patch from STARS
New member inducted at November 2015 meeting.
Club member Tim Clarke (right) sponsored the club's newest member, Milius Carrie, and took part in the induction ceremony held on November 10th, 2015. Club President Lion Margaret Young performed the induction ceremony after which hearty congratulations were given to Lion Milius.
Visitors from the Lions Club of Canmore
District Governor Lion Don Edy Stays for Supper!
It is always inspiring to have a District Governor spend time with a club's
members and March 10th was no exception. DG Lion Don Edy arrived with Zone 1B Chair Jason Knudtson and 2nd Vice District Governor Gail Haight to present Chevrons for long service and talk about the importance of communications, the "ASK 1" initiative, and the "Strengthen The Pride" motto of Lions International President Lion Joe Preston.
Now what do you suppose President Lion Betty Ann and DG Lion Don Edy are looking for?
New Members Inducted in January 2015
On Tuesday, January 27th two new members joined the Mountainview Lions Club. Suji Asanga and Colleen Sikorski went through their oaths and obligations at a beautifully candle-lit ceremony orchestrated by PDG
Margaret Young and 2nd VDG Gail Haight. Both Colleen and Suji have been active at many service events and fund raising activities months prior to their induction. They are a very welcomed addition to an already active, busy club. (From the left, Lions Joey Hyde-Wilson, Colleen Sikorski, Suji Asanga, Sandra Rowe, and Margaret Young.)