
The LAPD Project (Lions Assist Property Department)

(If after browsing this page you are inspired to support this project with donations of cash and/or goods or offer of your personal time please contact Chairperson Narelle on 0417 744 745)

The LAPD project was established in 2010 by Macgregor Lion Ron Ould who sadly passed away in Feb 2020.

It began on a small scale of distributing donations of second-hand goods to those in need in our community. As Ron was well known in the community he had many connections which facilitated collection and distribution of items or provision of other assistance.

LAPD has now grown into a larger scale distribution and support project.

LAPD obtains goods from many sources viz

  • Second-hand donations from Lions Club members and friends.
  • A long-term relationship with Westfield Garden City and Carindale has developed into community support through them supplying LAPD with lost property items. (As feedback Chairperson Narelle provides photos and regular updates to their management team about the recipients of the donated items. This ensures accountability and on-going support.)
  • Through the local Wishart, MtGravatt, Mansfield Facebook community group, Lion Narelle has established connections that have provided other donations from the people of the surrounding community as well as providing requests for specific assistance for help.

The range of items received by LAPD include:  

  • Clothing for adults and children, strollers, sunglasses, glasses, walking canes, umbrellas, perfume, jewellery, partially used gift cards, pillows, toys, books, bookcase, cutlery, crockery, makeup, stickers, balls, a bicycle

Who are the beneficiaries from the activities of LAPD? From July 2020 to June 2021 over 4,050 people have benefitted from our program.

  • Over the years LAPD has donated items to a large number of organisations including: YMCA Op shop, Mt Gravatt Community Centre Inc, Care Kits for Kids, In Stitches Brisbane, Access Street Vans Outreach, Homeless Connect, Signal Flare, Making A Difference-Brisbane, PCYC Mt Gravatt, Brian Kerle’s Indigenous program, Fishers of Men, Southside Community Care Inc, McKenzie State Special school  as well as the Joyce Wilding Hostel, Gundoo Mira Deadly Kindy, Hillsong Homes of Peace and Formally Ever After, Suited to Success.
  • All year-round toiletry care packs prepared are distributed to Access Street Van Outreach, BCC Homeless Connect, Signal Flare, Making A Difference Brisbane, Joyce Wilding Hostel, Mt Gravatt Community Centre, Care Kits for Kids, Beyond DV and Share the Dignity.

What type of donations has LAPD provided to the needy?

  • A bicycle for Pastor Russell at Access Street Vans Outreach to make it easier for him to get around and visit the homeless
  • Donation of 2 port-a-cots and 2 strollers to the Joyce Wilding Centre.
  • The LAPD program assists in the collection of prescription glasses for Recycling for Sight program (see details of that program on another page of this website).


​Funds donated to LAPD are also used to serve the community. In 2020 Chairperson used JBHIFI donated gift cards to purchase of 2 microwaves and 3 kettles & a bonus pop corn maker for the Joyce Wilding hostel.

Lion Narelle is pictured at the Joyce Wilding hostel with Admin officer Keisha Charles who is receiving the newly purchased & donated items.)




In June 2021, LAPD through ATSICHS (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service) helped a young mother who was in desperate need of a lawn  mower. LAPD sought assistance from Bunnings Mt Gravatt mainly for discount assistance.   Bunnings did more than provide a discount on purchase: they donated a new mower valued at $199

Lion Narelle Wyvill-Anstey is pictured at Bunnings with manager Pam and the ATSICHS Counsellor.



  • Creation of a children’s corner in the common room at the Joyce Wilding Centre with LAPD sourcing playmats, kids seats & a table, educational toys, blocks and donated kids’ books.
  • Extra donated toys were provided to the Gundoo Mirra Deadly kindy which is a kindy for aboriginal kids aged 3 to 5.
  • In 2019 Robina Lions Club donated crockery and cutlery from a closing down business that had supplied items to restaurants and cafes. The items have been distributed to “Fishers Of Men” and the Hillsong “Homes Of Peace” projects which help set up homes for families escaping domestic violence who often leave home with virtually no personal belongings.
  • The MtGravatt Community Centre is also a recipient of some items to help set up a training Community kitchen & cafe.










Left - Food parcels for the homeless and in need                                        Right - Care Kits for Kids backpacks

   We are on FaceBook at:

(Acknowledgment: The Lions Club of Brisbane Macgregor wishes to acknowledge the commendable work performed by Member Narelle in managing the LAPD Project, networking with donors, coordinating the collection and storage of goods, indentifying needy members in the Community and providing them with the appropriate LAPD resources.)

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