
Installation of 51st President & Board Members:

Right to Left President Ross Gibbins, IPP David Baker-Munce, Secretary Michael Cosgrove, Membersihip Chairman Ken Mulcahy, 3rd VP Dart Yee, 2nd VP Shyam Das, 1st VP Artie Stalley, Treasurer Judy Aburn, Assistant Treasurer Olly Gibbins.

Board of Directors for 2024 - 25
President Ross Gibbins
1st Vice-President Arthur Stalley
2nd Vice-President Shyam Das
3rd Vice - President Dart Yee
Secretary  Michael Cosgrove
Minute Secretary David Baker-Munce
Treasurer  Judy Aburn
Assistant Treasurer Olly Gibbins
Membership Chair Ken Mulcahy
Immediate Past President       David Baker-Munce                     

How to contact us. 

If you should need to contact us for any of the following reasons:

  • Any comments or suggestions on our website
  • Making a complaint (we hope that you do not have any)
  • Applying to become a member
  • Finding out more about our activities in the community
  • Any other reason

Please contact us as follows:

Our President: Ross Gibbins or 0411 667 265


Our Secretary:      Michael Cosgrove - 0431 650 230 




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