The Lions Club International boasts 45,000 local clubs and 1.3 million members, making it the world’s largest service club organization.
The Lions Club was the first civic club in Boone.
Our primary service is to the blind and the hard of hearing, At the local level, we provide glasses, eye exams and hearing aids for people and we offer a scholarship through Caldwell Community College for a child whose parents are blind, deaf or have had an organ transplant. We collect eye wills and work with the N.C. Eye and Human Tissues Bank in Winston-Salem,
Service Projects:
- assists with a blood drive and vision screening
- collects eye glasses and hearing aids for recycling
- assists the visually impaired with glasses, eye exams, canes, etc
- assists hearing impaired persons to get hearing aids
- sends visually impaired persons to Camp Dogwood and the VIP fishing tournament
- sponsors a local Cub Scout pack
- supports a Little League Team
- supports Higher Educational Scholarships for Impaired or Children of Impaired
- supports Clinical eye Research
The Lions of North Carolina contribute to the following projects:
- Camp Dogwood - a Lions camp for the visually impaired and
other special populations, Sherrills Ford, NC - Lions Eye Research Clinic at Bowman Gray Hospital
- Duke Pediatric Eye Research Clinic at Duke Hospital
- Eye Research Clinic, Chapel Hill
- Lions Clubs International Foundation for disaster relief
Fund Raising:
The club’s three main fundraisers are an early spring Country Breakfast, American Flag Placement in the Boone Business District on National Holidays, and on the third Saturday of October the Valle Crucis Fair, where the club holds a raffle and sells three kinds of famous Lions Corn Straw brooms whose proceeds benefit the vision impaired and the blind.
2022 flag placement dates are May 21 Armed Forces Day, May 30 - Memorial Day, June 14 - Flag Day, July 4th - Independence Day, Sept. 5- Labor Day, Oct. 10 - Indiginous Peoples Day and Nov. 11 - Veterans Day
At the statewide level, the Boone Area Lions Club supports the N.C. Lions Association for the blind.
Join the Club!
The Boone Area Lions Club is comprised of about 20 members, whose ages range from the 30s to 80s, and temporarily the club meets at Lois E. Harrill Senior Center, 132 Poplard Grove Extension Ste A, Boone NC 28607 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.. for meetings, presentations and lunch on the first and third Tuesday of every month. Members can bring a lunch or if they are 60 or older can enjoy a free Senior Center warm meal that includes an entree, sides, fruit or desert and beverage.Membership applications are available at meetings. Dues are $22 each quarter, or $88 a year.
For more information, call Membership Chairman Roger Bodo at 828-260-2019