
For vision assistance:

Click on this VSP VISION REQUEST FORM. You can (A) fill in this form on screen, download it and send the saved PDF via email or (B) download it,  write in or type in your answers, then scan the filled-in form and email it to or snail-mail it to Boone Lions, 156 Virgil's Lane, Boone, NC 28607. You can also request a form or request hearing or other support by contacting one of the above Lions and they will determine the next step. For Vision support, we also recommend that you contact the Services For The Blind Social Service Coordinator listed below to receive other services and review and verify your eligibilty for help. 

For  information about  a Boone support group click The Highcounty Viisually Impaired Support Group or go to HTTPS://  

For hearing issues and support services, contact the Avery and Watauga county Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services is 828-430-7185. 

Click here for health care at low to no cost: Community Care Clinic - 141 Health Center Drive, Suite B, Boone, NC 28607

For information or to attend a meeting, or request information, please contact:

  • Lion Jerry Traudt (President)

  • Lion Roger Bodo (Vice-President)

  • Lion Roger Bodo (Membership Chair)

  • Lion Roger Bodo  - (Vision and Hearing Requests)

  • Lion Betsy Anderson (Secretary/Eyeglass Dropoff Info.)

Andrea Colbert - Watauga DSS
Social Worker for the Blind
NC Division of Services for the Blind
NC Department of Health and Human Services
Office: 828-265-8109
Fax: 828-265-7638
132 Popular Grove Connector, Suite CBoone, NC 28607

Boone Area Lions Club
156 Virgil's Lane
Boone, NC 28607

Phone: 828-260-2019

Web Master: Roger Bodo

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