

  Welcome to the Bloomingdale Lions Club Website 


Next Meeting:  February  6, 2025

Jamesons Restaurant, Bloomingdale, IL  6:30PM



Celebrations:  To date, we have donated $10, 370!

We Serve Raffle:  Tickets are available for $50. Please contact a lions club member for a ticket. 


Save the Date: Spaghetti Dinner, February 7, 2025 5pm-8pm at the Bloomingdale Golf Course

Tickets are available for purchase.  In addition, we are looking for raffle basket donations. 


Save the Date: Bunny Bash & Easter Egg Trunk Hunt, April 12, 2025

This events provides children with the chance to collect Easter Eggs.  We also sponsor a quieter, smaller event for those with neurodiverse needs to participate in a smaller, sensory sensitive environment 




Bloomingdale Tree Lighting

This year we were able to participate, once again, in the Bloomingdale Tree Lighting event.  What a spectacular sight with the Drone pre-show.  Bloomingdale does not disappoint!




In Memorium

Former Lion Jerry Markham passed away on October 22, 2021. He was suddenly stricken with a deadly version of Alzheimer's Disease, I believe in 2019. Jerry joined the club in January 0f 2006, sponsored by former Lion Jerry Bertrand. and immediately became a very active member. He became a director that first year, 3rd VP in 2007-08, Director again in 2008-09 and then took on the role of Secretary from 2011 to 2019. He was a director again in 2019 when he was struck sick. Jerry, in addition to being an officer or director, took on chairing several projects over the years. He was the club Newsletter Editor from 2011 to 2015, Christmas Basket Chair 2016-2019, Webmaster 2011-2015, Senior Fair Chair 2011-2019, Onion Sales Co-Chair 2018, and Alzheimer's Walk Chair in 2018 & 2019 He was named Lion of the Year in 2016-17 and awarded a Melvin Jones Fellowship in 2012-13. In addition to being a good Lion, Jerry was just a plain old very nice guy. He will be missed by all who knew him.



September Fest 2021 was a huge success!  Thanks to all who participated.








Lion Notes

There is great information in the Lion Tale Newsletters.  Please take time to read them.

Lions Tale Newlsetter October 2021

Lions Tale Newsletter December 2020 Newsletter 

Lions Tale October 2019 Newsletter

Lions Tale Summer Wrap Up 2019 Newsletter

                                Lion Tale April 2019 Newsletter                                                 

  Lion Tale March 2019 Newsletter

     Lion Tale February 2019 Newsletter

 Lion Tale January 2019 Newsletter

Lion Tale December 2018 Newsletter

Lion Tale November 2018 Newsletter

Lion Tale October 2018 Newsletter



Lions District 1-J Journals 




In Memorium


Stan Poplonski

A Lion’s Lion


Stan Poplonski joined the Bloomingdale Lions Club in 2008 and passed away prematurely in 2020, a period of about 12 years. Since joining the club, he became a non-stop worker. No job or project was too big or too small for Stan to step up and do it and do it well. Stan was the only member of the club to ever serve as its president for 3 ½ years. He served as the club liaison to the Chamber of Commerce, to the SeptemberFest Committee, Character Counts and more. During his terms as president, if he could not get a Lion to volunteer, he would take on the job himself.

As an example, he chaired the following projects, just to name a few: Lions Golf  Outing, SeptemberFest, We Serve Raffle, Buddy Bench, Placemats, Public Relations, and more. In addition, he served or participated in other village events such as the 50 Men who Cook where he often won first prize for his Cake Balls.


Stan did not go unrecognized for all his efforts. He received a Bloomingdale Character Counts Award in 2014, School District 13 Community Exemplar Award in 2014, Lion Citizen of the Year Award 2017, Lion of the Year Award in 2018, and a George Lazansky Award from the District 1-J Lions in 2020. Stan was also awarded two Melvin Jones Fellowships, the highest award a Lion can receive from Lions International, one in 2012, the other in 2014. A senior member of the club asked Stan why he worked so hard on behalf of the Bloomingdale Lions. His response was 

“Because I believe in what we do”. That long time member proclaimed Stan to be a Lion’s Lion in 2016 and presented him with a picture of a framed African Lion.


Stan will be sorely missed by his family, the Lions, and other friends throughout the Village of Bloomingdale, and beyond.




Easter Egg Drive Through with

the Bloomingdale Park District

The Bloomingdale Lions Club participated int he Easter Egg Drive through with the Bloomingdale Park District on March 27, 2021.  Cars lined up from Erickson School on Springfield Drive and meandered through the park district parking lots, stopping to gather Easter eggs from several different agencies.  Kids got to see a magician perform magic tricks and even said hello to the Easter Bunny!

The Lions gave away over 4,000 eggs in 800 baggies to approximately 700 cars. Thank you to all the Lions who got candy, took time to stuff eggs prior to the event, and attended the event.  It was a great success!



November Meeting---Covid Style!

Lions met in November for the monthly meeting.  What a great turn out!



 Guest Readers at DuJardin School 

During the week of March 9th, Lion Camille, Lion Brian, and Lion Stan came to DuJardin School and read books to the students in honor of Brain Awareness Week.  Students learned about a variety of disabilities including Downs Syndrome, ADHD, and Autism.  The students loved having the Lions Guest Readers!




Ski For Sight   

On Saturday, January 25th, several members of the Lion's club participated in the annual Ski for Sight.  During this event, we assist those with vision impairments enjoy a day of skiing and being out in nature.  Thanks to all who participated!

Lions Christmas Party 2019 

The annual Lions’ Christmas Party was a magical night. It was filled with great food, friends and new members. Thanks goes out Lion Sharyn and team for another fun evening. 



 Christmas Baskets

This year the Lions club served 11 families by shopping for food and gifts at Meijers in Bloomingdale. Meijer donated a $500 Gift Card to our club. We asked Meijer to provide a $200 card and a $300 card rather than a $500 gift card.   This is always a great event to help out local families during the holiday time.


 Toys for Tots  

Thanks you to all the Lions members who helped with the Toys for Tots toy sorting on December 7th!


 Community Exemplar Award  

On December 9th Lion Marv Roehlke was awarded the distinguished “Community Exemplar” award. Bloomingdale School District 13 hosted the award, which is given out to a community member who has had a significant impact on the community in which they live. Anyone who knows Marv can attest to his thoughtfulness, generosity, care and concern for his community and its members. Lion Marv is the fourth Bloomingdale Lion receiving this award following Lions Bill Wolff, Lion Stan Poplonski, and Lion Karen Petelle.

 Strength of 100 Recognition  

Congratulations, Bloomingdale Lions Club!   On November 7, 2019, the Club was presented with a check from Strength of 100 for $2150.00.  Diane Kowalski, Pat Olinger, and Branka Poplonski recognized the Bloomingdale Lions Club for their efforts in helping the sight and hearing impaired.    Thank you to the Strength of 100 Club for your generous support!



 September Fest 2019 

  On September 7, 2019, Bloomingdale and the Bloomingdale Lion's Club participated in the annual September Fest.   Fun was had by all with craft vendors, great bands, and, of course, the Lion's Club Beer Tent.  Thanks to all the Lions members who spent the day (many were there ALL day) to help serve drinks and sell raffle tickets.  Thank you for representing the Bloomingdale Lions Club!



 Eyeglass Report and Ink Cartridge Recycling 

On Aug 14, Lion Walt made the first 2019 shipment to Lions of Illinois Foundation for recycling:
*129 glasses
*81 ink cartridges 
As a reminder, LIF recycles desktop ink cartridges (HP, Epson, Canon).
They recycle more than just eyeglasses. Other items are keys, hearing aids, cell phones and chargers, and pop-top tabs. 
Thanks, Lion Walt, for your involvement in this service.

 Newly Installed Officers and Directors for 2019-2020  

On June 7, 2019, the Bloomingdale Lions Club installed the new officers and directors for the 2019-2020 year.  Thank you to the following Lions for taking on these positions:

Lions Rob Pauling (Treasurer), Cory Viger (Director), Jerry Markham (Director), Karen Vitale (Lion Tamer), Bob Reagan (Director), Brian PIerce (Secretary), Rayleen Panicola (2nd Vice President), Camille Carioscia (3rd Vice President), Stan Poplonski (President), Sharyn Murphy (Director), Ben Hoyle (Director), Sam D'Amico (Immediate Past President), John Argyrakis (1st Vice President), Jo Peterson (LEO Liaison), and Tom Zaccardi (Tail Twister). 


 Marklund Run Walk and Roll 

Several Lions members participated in the Marklund Run, Walk and Roll on Sunday, April 28th to support Marklund School.  Marklund provides services to profoundly disabled individuals.


 Easter Egg Hunts 

Thanks to the 18 individuals that made this years hunt a success .We had a large turn out and it was over in 45 sec.  The special needs went off ok for the first year.  A few individuals showed up but were so happy to have the opportunity to hunt for eggs.  They loved the toys in the eggs.  The club purchased 4000 eggs and enough candy and toys to fill them. A special thanks to Lions Stan, Karen, Bob, Kevin, Jo, Rayleen and the parkdistrict. Thanks to Pan American Bank who donated $500 and Meijers Food for $200.  One other person I would like to point out is Tori, the young lady who wore the Lion Suit, she is the friend of Lion Karen.




 Best of Bloomingdale 

At the Bloomingdale Chamber Awards ceremony on March 7th, our club was presented with the Best of Bloomingdale award in the non-profit category for 2019.  This is an award that goes out to our members as a club.  It reflects the Bloomingdale community's recognition of our hard work and dedication of our members in helping others. Congratulation Lion members.  


  Spaghetti Dinner 2019   

This year's spaghetti dinner was a huge success in spite of the frigid cold temperatures!  We had 208 people attend and help raise some much needed funds.  Tony Spavone entertained patrons with his classic repotiore of songs.  Thank you, Tony!  The raffle prizes were a huge success.  Thank you to all who donated prizes and/or bought tickets.  As always, the food was fabulous.  Thank you to the Bloomingdale Golf Club for hosting the event.  Great job, Lion Karen V. on coordinating this event. 









  Bloomingdale Library Display Updated  

The Lions Club display in the lower level of the Bloomingdale Library has been updated.  Please stop by to check out the following:

  • Updated President's List
  • Melvin Jones Fellows List and the addition of Bob Reagan's picture int he gallery
  • Our newly acquired Future Leader Dog "Douglas"


The Bloomingdale Lions Club accepts glasses, hearing aids, keys, pull tabs, cell phones, ink cartridges and unwanted Christmas lights.  If you are interested in donating any of these items you can drop them off at one of our "drop sites": Hollywood Cleaners located at 160 S. Bloomingdale Road, Bloomingdale or the Bloomingdale Public Library, 101 Fairfield Way (Fairfield & Bloomingdale Rd), Bloomingdale IL 60108. 




















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