
Welcome to the Lions' Fashionable Morning Tea Page....


Tickets to this event  are limited and will be issued on a “first in” basis. Bookings will close on 11th April OR earlier if tickets sell out. To avoid disappointment, please book early. Tickets will be on sale at the Montville Post Office & IGA Xpress, Mapleton Post Office, The Craft, Chic & Sassy and at The Barn on Flaxton. 

To purchase your tickets by a bank transfer (EFT). First: 

  1. Deposit the value of your tickets into the "Blackall Range Lions Activity" account using BSB 633-000 & Account # 196345433 with a Description of "LFMT" followed by your name.
  2. Then click on this link to create a draft "Request for Tickets" email. Please be sure to add your details in the spaces "< >" provided and to attach a copy of your proof of payment before you send the email off to us
    On receipt of your Ticket Request email (and your deposit) we will email you your e-Ticket(s) for you to print out and bring to the dinner..

For all enquiries, please click on this link  .

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