Please turn on your sound and click on the above image to see a short video on this project.
Winter Is Coming To Ukraine part 3 (WICTU3) is a project managed by Lions Clubs to support families in need living in Ukraine.
Thank you for scanning our Winter Is Coming To Ukraine part 3 QR code.
The cost of one stove is AUD250 but you can donate any amount - all donations will be gratefully received.
To make a donation, simply make an Electronic Funds Transfer to the "Blackall Range Lions Activity Account”, BSB 633-000, A/c# 196345433, with a reference of “WICTU3 (your name)”.
Then click on this link and fill in the blanks of this email template and send it off to the Blackall Range Lions to alert us of your kings donation.
Remember, 100% of all donations to this cause WILL be used to provide stoves to the families in Ukraine.
For all other enquiries, please call Colin Sandford on 0427 825 930 or click here to send an email and we will get right back to you.