
The following is a partial list of organizations

that our Club supports through donations

and/or volunteering time..




  • Heros & Helpers!  The First City Lions, Bemidji Lions Club, Law Enforcement, Firefighters, and many other local organizations took 35 youngsters shopping at Walmart on Dec. 1, 2021 in Bemidji. Each was given $100 to spend on Christmas gifts for themselves or family members. Toys, boots, jewelry, and many other gifts were chosen by the kids. The First City Lions wrapped all the gifts with supplies provided by Walmart. The funds were provided by the above groups with help from other local donations.



  • Minnesota Diabetes
  • Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation
  • Minnesota Hearing Foundation
  • Minnesota Eye Bank   One of the Largest and Most Innovative Eye Banks in the World.  The Minnesota Lions Eye Bank serves the community by providing donor eye tissue for transplant, research, and teaching and by promoting donation through education.  As one of the largest and most innovative eye banks in the world, the Minnesota Lions Eye Bank has helped restore sight to more than 27,000 people, and the organization reaches important milestones in eyesight restoration every year.  Founded in 1960, The Minnesota Lions Eye Bank is a non–profit organization primarily funded by Minnesota Lions through the work of the Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation, Inc. Much of the Minnesota Lions Eye Bank’s recognition in the state is due to the outreach of Lions members.
  • Leader Dogs  Founded by three Detroit-area Lions Clubs members in 1939, Leader Dogs for the Blind empowers people who are blind, visually impaired or Deaf-Blind with skills for a lifetime of independent travel, opening doors that may seem to have closed with the loss of sight.




















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