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June 2024 Newsletter

The Ann Arbor Host Lions Club donated 100 scholastic books to the Family Learning Center in Ann Arbor.  This organization helps students who are not reading at grade level to improve their reading skills.  The Ann Arbor Host Lions Club includes the Family Learning Center among its benchmark projects.




Did you know ... In colaboration with Disability Network of Washtenaw, Monroe, Livingston counties, the Ann Arbor Host Lions Club is collecting items for the annual Feast for Families Harvest Boxes. For more information, see the Club Projects page.

Did you know ... Members participated in the JDRF One Walk - Ann Arbor OCT 2 at Hudson Mills Metro Park. Team Ann Arbor Area Lions Club JDRF raised over $500.

Did you know...KidSight screening resumed in September. Our club performed 137 screening resulting in 13 referrals. This year we would like to screen more pre-school children.  If you know a pre-school program that would like to have the Ann Arbor Host Lions screen their children, please contact us.

Did you know...Last year [2018] the Ann Arbor area Lions purchased 84 pairs of eyeglasses for adults and 10 pairs of eyeglasses for children.  The Ann Arbor area Lions Clubs also provided a pair of hearing aides to a senior citizen.

Did you know...Each year the Ann Arbor area clubs collect and send to two centers that sanitized, repair eyeglasses, reading glasses and sun glasses to be reused.

Did you know...Last year the Ann Arbor Host Lions collect pairs of used hearing aids that were sent to be dismantled, sanitized, rebuilt and made available to those in need.

Did you know...You can even put broken eyeglasses of any kind into the Lions recycle boxes along with hearing aids.

Did you know...You can find locations to drop off your eyeglasses and hearing aids by choosing the Recycling Eyeglasses and Hearing Aid Drop Off Locations from the menu at the left.



Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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