
Alto meets year-round, though our membership is divided between here and Florida in the winter months.  Over the winter we concentrate on supporting community needs.  


Alto Harvest Festival and Car Show

The Alto Harvest Festival is a one-day event in downtown Alto show-casing local clubs, organizations, and musicians. A car show is held at the same time.  The Lions sell food. 

Clarksville Ox Roast

The Ox Roast is held annually in nearby Clarksville.   The Lions sell food.        

White Cane

The Alto Lions hold White Cane in May of each year.  Businesses in Alto and the nearby towns of Caledonia and Lowell allow our members space in their parking lots and on their sidewalks to raise awareness and funds for the blind. The event was held on two weekends at two different venus.  Thanks to the generous public who made this event a great success.. 


Project KidSight

The Alto Lions participate in this statewide project.  We test children's vision at fairs, preschools, stores, and other places where people gather.  The handheld camera returns an accurate result in seconds.  Parents are provided with a printout to take to their doctor if the result shows a vision issue.  

Alto Children's Christmas Party

The Christmas event has been held in Alto in some form for over 60 years.   Some of the Alto Lions attended when they were children. The Lions began hosting the party over 20 years ago.

The ;party has changed format over the years.  It now takes place with games and other events throughout the town.  It's a community event with participation by the local branch of the Kent Distrtict Library, and by local businesses.  

Our generous donors help us host the Christmas party.  The 2024 party will feature live sled dogs, craft activities, and refreshment booths.  Children under age 8 will receive a small stuffed animal wearing a Lions t-shirt.  

Alto Halloween Party

The Lions participate in a local Halloween event featuring games and other activities in a local park.  The inaugural event was in 2024 and was well received. 






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