
Goring, Woodcote & District Lions Club

Our club is one of 72 Lions Clubs in Lions District 105d, Central Southern England, and one of over 6000 clubs in the UK & Ireland

Our southern & western border is the River Thames, from Reading to Wallingford. In the north our boundary is the Ridgeway Footpath, and the B481 in the east.

We raise funds in our local area and spend over 80% of our receipts in the area. In most years we donate charity money (up to 20%) to Lions International Projects worldwide, from Water Wells to Eye Hospitals, run by Lions.

Lions Clubs are part of Lions Clubs International, the largest 'service' organisation in the world.

View our video - The Lions Story

Who are Lions Clubs International?

WE ARE NOT A POLITICAL ORGANISATION, yet among our members will be found members of all political parties and factions.

WE ARE NOT A SOCIAL CLUB, yet we are directed to take an active interest in the social welfare of our various communities.

WE ARE NOT A YOUTH ORGANISATION, yet we participate in so many youth programs and projects in this country and abroad that it is hard to determine if the dog is wagging the tail or the tail is wagging the dog.

WE ARE NOT A WELFARE ORGANISATION, yet over the years, in good times and bad, countless thousands of less fortunate people have been the recipients of the generosity of Lions.

WE ARE NOT A SPORTS OR RECREATIONAL AGENCY, yet thousands of youngsters have been thrilled with sports & activity programs built around the training of the minds and bodies of our youth, both boys and girls.

WE ARE NOT A RELIGIOUS BODY, yet the precepts we live by are familiar to the doctrines of the world's spiritual bodies.

WE ARE NOT A MEDICAL OR HEALTH ORGANISATION, yet our clubs have performed miracles in this wide panorama of community and individual service.

WE ARE NOT AN EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, yet thousands of students are today in schools built by Lions.

WE ARE NOT A UNITED NATIONS, yet we are an instrument of peace. Lionism, born while the world was aflame, has grown strong under the nourishment of freedom and liberty.

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