Club Projects
Scheduled Willmar Noon Lions Fundraisers:
- January 4, 2025 - Chad Norsten Pool Tournament for Diabetes - Willmar VFW
- February 22, 2025 - Pints & Puzzles for Childhood Cancer - Willmar VFW
- March 22, 2025 - Dart Tournament for MN Lions Hearing Foundation - Willmar VFW
- April,TBA, 2025 - Lions' Bowling Tourament - Alley on Ash, City of New London
- June 14, 2025 - Lions' Bean Bag Tournament for Lions' Gift of Sight - Willmar VFW
- September 13, 2025 - Lions' Pancake Feed Fundraiser for support of local programs, etc. - Willmar Community Center
Note: Look for more details closer to events occuring. One hundred percent of the proceeds support the causes for the fubdraiser. All contributions or gifts to the Willmar Noon Lions Club may NOT be deductible as charitable contributions (IRS Code).
Other Scheduled Willmar Noon Lions Events:
- May 14, 2025 - Lions' Club Mixer (5:30 - 6:30 pm) - Willmar VFW
- July 10; 2025 - Installation of New Officers - Club Meeting at Willmar VFW
Examples of Willmar Noon Lions Club's Activities/Projects:
- Help provide free eye exams and eyeglasses for disadvantaged children in the Willmar area where other programs are unable to provide the financial support.
- Collect used eyeglasses and hearing aids for worldwide distribution.
- Provide free child eye screening at Willmar Public Schools and elsewhere through the Lions KidSight Program.
- Support of local and statewide education about hearing and vision services, including the Minesota Gift of Sight (the state's Eye Bank Donor Program).
- Help provide diabetes education and testing locally and statewide.
- Annually provide scholarships to Willmar Public School students who are serving their community.
- Support the Leader Dog Program which offers services to both sight and hearing-impaired people, and the Minnesota Can Do Canines Program.
- Sponsor and support major fundraisers such as the club's annual Pancake Feed fundraiser, and the annual Bowling Tournament fundraiser.
- Provide funding assistance to local organizations that meet our club's priorities such as the YMCA, United Way, and the Kandiyohi County Food Shelf. Assistance is also provided to Lions sponsored programs.
- Salvation Army bell ringing.
- County Fair ticket sales at fair gates.
- Lions Park cleanups and support of the park's Dog Park
- Numerous other activities and events.
Pancake Day Fundraiser
The Willmar Noon Lions hold their annual Pancake Day during the month of September at the Willmar Community Center. It is the club's largest fundraiser. Pancakes and sausages are served by Chris Cakes. Refreshments are also served. One hundred percent of the proceeds of the event support local programs for sight, hearing, diabetes, youth, and more. More Information will come closer to the event.
Photo of 2024 Pancake Day
No-Tap Bowling Tournament
The club's annual No-Tap Bowling Tournament is held in the Spring at the Alley on Ash in the City of New London. The format is Scotch Doubles. Participants must register prior to the event to reserve their spot. More information will be given about the tournament closer to the event's date. The club thanks those businesses that help sponsor this event.
Photo is from the 2024 Lions Bowling Tournament