Contact Us
Willmar Noon Lions Club P.O. Box 1526 Willmar, MN 56201Club Administrator: Kristal Dahlager
Telephone Contact: 320-235-4313 (ask for Kristal)
We meet every first and third Wednesday at Noon at the Willmar VFW (1108 U.S.Hwy 12 E). The VFW's telephone number is (320) 235-9811.
Follow us on Facebook: Lions Willmar Noon
Web Master: Donn Winckler
Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Officers:
- President - Terry Smith
- Immediate Past President - Nate Schueller
- Vice President - Kelsey Sommerville
- 2nd Vice President - Alec Saunders
- Secretary - Charlie Orth
- Administrator - Kristal Dahlager
- Treasurer - Jennifer Unterburger
- Board of Directors: Donn Winckler, Rollie Boll, Jill Augustine, Rick Agman