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Wayne Lions' Mission
We are a group of service-minded people who take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of our community. We wish to work together to serve our community without thought of personal financial reward.
With this common purpose in mind, we also create and strengthen the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding of our members. Finally, we aspire to the highest ethical standards both within our group and as we conduct our daily business.
Wayne Lions has joined the Amazon SMILE Program. This gives our organiztion the opportunity to receive a small donation each time you make a purchase on Amazon.
Click here to activate!
Now Meeting in Person at the North Jersey Country Club!
We meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 6:30pm and we look forward to seeing you there!
Wayne Lions Nine and Dine Fundraiser
Although the weather did not cooperate for our October 4, 2022 event, we wish to thank our sponsors for their generosity and support!

Induction of Officers for 2022 - 2023
King John Taggart Inducted by Past International President Dr. Robert Moore
Lou Zecca 2nd VP, Carole Federici, 3rd VP, Judy Gorski 1st VP
Paul Ciavarella, Secretary
Mario Rosellini, Tail Twister
Directors Harold Condie and Dominick Augurusa
Joe Hallock, Lifetime Achievement - a Member for 47 Years!
Judy Gorski - Service Recognition Award
Elaine Bookman Accepts Melvin A Jones Award on Behalf of her husband Marty "Neill" Bookman
The Wayne Lions Club is happy to announce the arrival of Otis, our newest Seeing Eye Dog Sponsorship !!!
"Surely you will find kind people everywhere ready to help you when they know that you...bring help to people who wait in darkness for a friend to guide their feet into pathways of usefulness."
- Helen Keller
On November 11th the Wayne Hills H.S. Leo Club presented a $1,077 fund raiser check to Barbara Corsaro, representing the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and Miracle For Matthew. Pictured (far left) WH Leo Club Faculty Advisor, Jessica Fishman, Barbara Corsaro (far right)(to her right) Eunho Jung, W.H.H.S Leo Club President, and accompanied by several other members of the Leo Club that are 130+ in membership.
The Wayne Hills and Wayne Valley High School Leo Clubs held a Fall cleanup for Camp Marcella in November!
At our October 12th regular meeting, the Wayne Lions hosted District 16N Governor Marie Nieto, 1st Vice DG Kam Patel, several members of the West Milford Lions and Jessica Fishman, our Wayne Hills High School Leo Club Faculty Advisor. We have started to lay the groundwork to do great things for our community! Reach out to us to learn more.
Stay Tuned for Upcoming Events!
At the Wayne Township Council meeting on November 6th, Paul Ciavarella, Secretary of the Wayne Lions Club presented donation checks totaling $12,300 to various non-profit groups. These organizations share the values and mission of the Lions in improving the lives of people in need. The Lion members raise funds each year through events such as their golf outing, beefsteak dinner, raffles and donations from businesses and organizations. The Wayne Lions thank all of our supporters in making this possible.
"Where there is a need, there is a Lion"
Feel free to reach out to us if you would like to get involved in improving the lives of people in our community.
David Feinhal, Executive Director, Saint Joseph's School For Blind Children, Jersey City — with Paul Ciavarella at Wayne Township NJ.
Lion Lou Corsaro, on behalf of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation — at Wayne Township NJ.
Barbara Cohen and Herb Schuman, Wayne Interfaith Network - Food Bank — with Wayne Interfaith Network at Wayne Township NJ.
Martin Nusbaum and his service dog Friday, The Seeing Eye, Morristown NJ — with The Seeing Eye, Inc. at Wayne Township NJ.
Linda Ransom, Laurelwood Arboretum, Wayne — at Wayne Township NJ.
Bob Coe, Wayne Township Volunteer First Aid Squad — at Wayne Township NJ.
Bob Minarick, Wayne Volunteer Fire Dept — at Wayne Township NJ.
Doreen Shoba, Wayne Public Library — at Wayne Township NJ.
Paula Taratino, PDG Lions District 16N on behalf of Camp Marcella for Blind Children, Sparta — at Wayne Township NJ.
Sandra Pine, Foundation For The Handicapped, Wayne wit
All Recipients
The Wayne Lions have just made a $1,000 donation the the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation through the "Miracle For Matthew" foundation. Matthew is the grandson of our valued friends and fellow Lions Lou and Barbara Corsaro. See Matthews' story here: http://www.miraclematthew.com/
"Wherever there is a need, there is a Lion"

Check out our events page for the prior Lion's Club Events sponsored by
Wayne Township Lion's Club
For Pictures of Some of Our Past Events
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Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.