
Kowhai Festival

The Kowhai Festival is an annual festival that Warkworth Lions have been involved in since it's inception over 50 years ago. During the festival there are a variety of activities including the Big Day Out when the main street of Warkworth is closed and many thousands visit the town. Also there is the Big Debate at the Warkworth Town Hall which Warkworth Lions members have taken part in for the last few years. The debate raises funds for charity.

Warkworth Centennial Playspace

Warkworth Lions celebrated the Lions Centenary with a double flying fox and 4 mini trampolines in Lucy Moore Park Warkworth. This was done with financial assistance from the Rodney Local Board.

Take a Kid Fishing

Warkworth Lions have been the local organisers of Take a Kid Fishing for approximately 20 years.. Each year, children aged 5-12 years with caregivers are taken into Kawau Bay for a days fishing. For many it is the first time fishing or even on a boat. There are prizes awarded in special categories and the child with the heaviest fish also wins the Leroy Brown Trophy.  

Mahurangi Festival of Lights

This was started in 2018 with Warkworth Lions as part of the organising committee. It is held in July when we need cheering up so the Festival is seen as way to brighten the district.The final day has a laser show, ice skating, snow and many amusements and food trucks. The day is free so families can enjoy it.

Community Pianos

To celebrate the Lions Centenary, a community piano was presented to the town. It has been so successful that we now have two Lions Pianos in town-one at each supermarket.

If you are in town, stop and have a play.

Food Rescue

In a join project with Kowhai Coast and Wellsford Lions and Warkworth Rotary, the Warkworth Rotary/Lions Food Rescue is distributing approx 1200kg of food each nonth wihch woud have otherwise gone to the rubbish tiop or local pig farms. We are thankful to the local business community who support this venture.


Starship PCIU

Starship Hospital Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

The Starship Foundation is raising funds for an expansion of their PICU rooms. 
Warkworth Lions Club on behalf of the clubs in District K is spearheading a fundraising drive to raise
$406,700 for a complete PICU room on behalf of Lions Clubs of New Zealand. 
All funds will be channeled through the Warkworth Lions Club Charitable Trust for which a specific bank account is being established for this fundraiser. 
If your club would like to be involved in and require further information you can contact;
Peter Henderson of Warkworth Lions Club on 
Murray Picot treasurer of Warkworth Lions Club on

To give some background-.

At the last 202K cabinet meeting it was suggested that Lions fund a PICU (Patient Intensive Care Unit ) at the Starship Children's Hospital. As the name Starship suggests we need to aim high and funding of $406,700 is required.

Our club has agreed to spearhead the fundraiser so it can get underway quickly. Every day that the project is delayed is a day a child may be missing crucial treatment. Within our club many members have had family and friends in Starship and the specialist attention they received has been of great benefit to them.

The 202K District Governor Brian McMillan and Council Chair David Peart are in full agreement of this going nationwide.

Funds will be channelled through our club’s charitable trust and we will publicise throughout the country and get grant applications underway in due course.

At our club meeting the project was met with enthusiasm and while it may be a pretty big job, perhaps we can all reflect on the children in the Mitre 10 TV add. They delighted us when they were children and now they are all grown up. This project will give so many more children the opportunity to grow into adults.

What is Starship

Starship Children's Health is a dedicated paediatric healthcare service and major teaching centre, providing family-centred care to children and young people throughout New Zealand and the South Pacific. 

Starship provides care for children up to their 15th birthday, after which they become part of the adult healthcare services. However in some cases where a child has had a long relationship with their Starship healthcare team, they may be cared for at Starship for a longer time – this decision is made on a case-by-case basis at the team's discretion. 

As Starship is the National Children’s Hospital, we would like to see this project supported by all districts with the final outcome being a fully funded Lions PICU Room.

Ill health and accident is not discriminatory nor is not selective by post code or geography.

The Lions Club of Warkworth is spearheading this appeal and we ask that you please give your support as we get the fundraising underway. This will help as we approach clubs in your District.

We will keep all clubs updated through the appeal and your support is important

Our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews need this.

Please contact us if you have any query or require any additional information.

The Warkworth Lions Trust account for this Starship PICU appeal is


Funds banked at 2nd March 2023





Tonga Disaster

Warkworth Lions had an appeal for the Tonga Disaster and raised $2493.40 on Saturday 22nd January. Tonga is part of Lions District 202K.

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