
Thank you to all that came out to this years annual Festival in the Park!!!!   We appreicate all the community and sponsor support!


Visit us here:



We are always looking for new members.  Please consider Joining the worlds largest Service Organization.   Contact our membership chair Bill Boyd - for more Information.




Tent Rentals - 20x30 Tents for rent May - September

Email us here for availibilty and information:




Please talk to any member to get information about our club or the organization as a whole.  We'd love to have you come as a guest to one of our regular bi-monthly meetings they are held the 1st & 3rd Tuesday's of the month mid September - June!!!







Come join the largest service organization in the world!






  Thank you for supporting the Walworth Lions Club!


Lions 20E-1 District page


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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