Below are the programs and events we provide to Rossmoor residents:
Assistance Programs for Hearing and Sight Impaired Residents:
- Conduct free seminars on hearing and sight impairment
- Conduct free hearing and sight screenings
- Provide hearing aids to low income residents
- Arrange home visits by sight specialists
- Collect used eyeglasses and hearing aids
- Lend Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) reading machines
Fundraising Programs and Social Events:
Used Eyeglass and Hearing Aid Collection: The club collects used eyeglasses, sunglasses, hearing aids, and printer cartridges/toner at the following Rossmoor locations: inside the Gateway lobby, inside the Rossmoor Library, and in the Tice Creek Fitness Center lobby. Used cell phones are collected in the Lions mail slot in the Gateway administrative building.
White Cane Day: During White Cane Day Lions Club members greet shoppers at various locations within the Rossmoor Safeway complex. Club members answer questions from the public in order to highlight the work Lions Club does to help the sight impaired. The event, usually scheduled in May, is the Club’s annual fundraiser for vision programs. To help support Lions vision programs, please send your tax deductible donation to Lions Club of Rossmoor, PO Box 2181, Walnut Creek, CA 94595. Thank you
July 4th Donut and Coffee Sales: Rossmoor Lions Club sell donuts and coffee to Rossmoor residents celebrating July 4th at the Stanley Dollar picnic area. Donations are greatly appreciated.
Antique Appraisal Event: Residents pay $10 for an appraisal of 2 items. Appointments must be made in advance. The antique appraisals are done by Bonhams Appraisal and the event is sponsored by Intero Real Estate Services. The appraisal event, scheduled in the spring and fall, is one of Rossmoor Lion Club's main fundraisers.
Annual Lions Breakfast: The Lions Breakfast is a delicious event enjoyed by Rossmoor and Walnut Creek residents. The menu includes pancakes, eggs, sausage, juice, and coffee. The event, usually scheduled in October, is one of Rossmoor Lion Club’s main fundraisers.
Rossmoor Tree Lighting Ceremony: Rossmoor Lions Club serves eggnog, with and without alcohol, during the annual tree lighting ceremony. This festive event is scheduled in December.
Flea Markets and Harvest Festivals: The Lions Club sell coffee and donuts at events throughout the year.
Showcase Concert Events: Occasionally, the Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) asks Rossmoor Lions Club to collect tickets, and serve wine, beverages, and snacks at Showcase concerts.
Golf Tournament Breakfasts: In May the Rossmoor Lions Club serves a free breakfast at the Bay Area Rescus Mission golf tournament in Rossmoor.