


Project Information: Date
Fish Fry Walcott Lions have held an annual Fish Fry for the past 35+ years. Every year we serve around 1000 people. We also have a Casino Night at the same time, to raise money our projects. 2nd Tuesday in March
 Pancake Breakfast  Walcott Lions have held an annual Pancake Breakfast for the past 27 years. Every year we serve around 200 people. The money raised goes toward our local projects.  APRIL & OCTOBER
Shack Sales  The Walcott Lions work the park shacks at both Wescott and Victory every year to help fund our projects.  All Summer
Farm Sales  The Walcott Lions provide food services to local farm sales, to raise money for our projects. Contact Lion John at 284-6148 for more information All Year
 Eye Glass Collection The Walcott Lions collect used eye glasses to recycle and give to those in need. Contact any Lions member to donate.  All Year
 Campers The Walcott Lions have sponsored several campers to attend special camps (such as Camp Herkto Hollow) to learn more about their disabilities.  Summers
 Scholarships The Walcott Lions give out up to five scholarships to local high school students. To be eligible the students need to attend a 2 or 4 year college, university or trade school. The applications are handed out in February of each year to local schools.  Due: April 1st


  -Lions building a wheelchair ramp for a resident of Walcott-



 Walcott Lions Signs
Victory and Wescott Parks


Past Projects

-1982 Lions clean up Walcott School after a flood-


Past Pancake Breakfast and Steak Fry's


Fish Fry

Fire Department

Past Parades





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