

History of the Walcott Lions Club















6:00PM March 26th 2013


The Walcott Coliseum

Walcott, Iowa








40th Anniversary Committees


Loren Claussen

Abigail Claussen

Leon Downing

Tim Schlapkohl

Jacob Puck

Jared Brus

Marlene Arp

Rudy Arp




The Walcott Lions club chartered, February 9, 1973 turn forty years old this year, 2013. We come together tonight to celebrate the clubs’ accomplishments in its 40 year history. Many members have joined this organization. They gave their all, to help the community of Walcott grow, and help maintain the Lions Code of Ethics.


Our club has not grown tremendously in membership numbers. However we have grown steady throughout the years. We had at one time, came within grasp of 50 members, and now have settled back to just under forty, at thirty six members strong. We Lions pride ourselves through the early years that we didn’t have a repeat club President. We held that honor for 30 years, until 2003-2004 with John Warner repeating as Club President.


The Walcott Lions Club has become well respected in our community. Community leaders respect what the Lions have done in the town, and often turn to us for leadership when an opportunity arises. That makes us feel good, to know we are appreciated.


One of our now well known community service projects, building handicap ramps for persons in need, is a prime example of our, “can do” attitude. Often citizens’ family memebers will call on the Lions to quickly install a ramp at someone’s home. The call goes out to all members, now most likely by e-mail, and a few phone calls. Our scout goes to survey the project, reports back with materials needed. Key members set a date to construct, often by a deadline set when someone is coming home from the hospital. Usually in a matter of a couple of days!


Eight A.M., construction day arrives, usually eight to twelve members arrive with tools in hand. By mid afternoon a usable ramp is completed for the citizen in need. Yes, we are tired after a long day of work, we are not all used too. Somehow, a day or two later, we can be ready to go again to answer the next call!


We have helped other area communities to prosper from a Lions Club. We have sponsored four Lions clubs in our area. They are; Blue Grass -1974, Dixon -1983, Donahue -1986, and Muscatine -2003, in our forty year history. We hope to honor them tonight as well.  


We gather tonight, with surrounding clubs, 9EC Cabinet Members, guests, and our own members thinking back forty years remembering our successes and failures. We look optimistically toward the future thinking, how can we make this club better? We all have an idea; we just have to keep trying to do our very best.  


Loren Claussen

Walcott Lions Club member since 1979    




2012-2013 Leaders


Lions International President:  Wayne A. Madden (Auburn, Indiana)


MD9 International Director: Judy Hankom (Hampton, Iowa)


MD9 Council Chair: Mark Songer (Ottumwa, Iowa)


9EC District Governor: Kathy Rhinehart (Eldridge, Iowa)


9EC 1st Vice District Governor: Mike Fuller (Muscatine, Iowa)


9EC 2nd Vice District Governor: Terry Durham (Cedar Rapids, Iowa)


Zone Chair: Linda Swartz (Davenport, Iowa) and Robert Rhinehart (Eldridge, Iowa)








Current Members 2012/2013



Dr. Mary Pat Allmandinger

Laverne Arp                      

Marlene Arp

Rudy Arp

Chuck Bramstedt

Rhonda Brockmann

Jared Brus

Ted Burson

Loren Claussen

Abigail Claussen

Leon Downing

Bob Frick

Dr. Greg Garvin

Lionel Hermiston

Gary Hoker

Norma Holdorf

Roger Holdorf

Mel Illian




John Iossi

Bill Jacobs

Dave Johnson

John Kostichek

Kelley Krummel

Glenn Moeller

Jordan Orcutt

Bob Peters

Denny Puck

Jacob Puck

Jackie Puck

Larry Reiling

Matt Schricker

Larry Schlapkohl

Tim Schlapkohl

Dale Schroeder

Mike Sissel

John Warner





Charter Members



Leon Downing

 Bob Frick

John L. Miller

Karl Arp

 Robert Ruser

Ted Burson

Louis “Ike" Koch

 Marvin Puck

Bill Sandknop

Roby Fretwell

 Denny Puck

 Jim Puck

Ed Doerscher

 David Rixe

Stanley Niebuhr

Marlyn Stang



Deane Chapman

 Keith Meyer

Vernon Sissel

 Alvin Lamp

Dallas Buesing

Leo Aye

 James Crank

Dennis Heiar

Leo Meyer

Charles Bramstedt

 Ken Dietz

Richard Needham

Al Warnecke

Warren Riessen

Bob Staub

William Kiser

Jack Davis-Honorary Member




  • Bolded names are current members.



Current Club Leaders

President- Dr. Greg Garvin

1st Vice President- Matt Schricker

2nd Vice President- John Kostichek

3rd Vice President- Jackie Puck

Secretary- Rudy Arp

Treasurer- Laverne Arp

2 Year Directors-

Mel Illian

John Iossi

1 Year Directors-

Leon Downing

Dennis Puck

Tail Twisters-

Gary Hoker

Lionel Hermiston

Lion Tamers-

Kelley Krummel

Tim Schlapkohl

Membership Chairman- Chuck Bramstedt

Membership Vice Chairman- Jacob Puck



Charter Officers

President-Leon Downing

1st Vice President-Karl Arp

2nd Vice President-Bob Ruser

3rd Vice President-Ted Burson

Secretary-Bob Frick

Treasurer-Al Warnecke

2 Year Directors-

Roby Fretwell

Bill Sandknop

1 Year Directors-

Jim Puck

Dennis Puck

Tail Twisters-

Louis “Ike” Koch

Lion Tamer-

Marvin Puck







Deceased Members




Bill Kiser 5/74

Art Otto 5/77

Tom Campbell 10/78

Vernon Sissel 3/79

Louis “Ike” Koch 6/79

Alvin Jacobsen 3/85

Bill Suhr 9/86

Albert Warnecke 9/93

Steve Allmandinger 10/93

Erwin Peterson 1/94

Harvey Goering 2/96

Bill Koepke 9/98

Arnold Suhr  2/01

George Golinghorst 2/01

Leo Meyer 4/02

Luverne Marti 2/05

Robert Staub 4/05

Karl Arp 9/05

Marvin Puck Sr. 4/06

Hugo Holst 12/06

John Greenwalt 8/08

Melvin Riessen 2/09

Eugene Siebke 9/12

George Lawton 2/13












Past Presidents



Name                            Years

Leon Downing             73/74

Karl Arp                         74/75

Leo Meyer                    75/76

Dennis Puck                 76/77

Charles Bramstedt      77/78

Kenneth Puck              78/79

William Koepke            79/80

Harvey Goering           80/81

Gary Jepsen                81/82

Robert Frick                  82/83

Marvin Puck                 83/84

Richard Hagen            84/85

John Iossi                     85/86

Loren Claussen           86/87

Larry Reiling                 87/88

Eugene Siebke            88/89

Melvin Riessen            89/90

Rudolph Arp                 90/91

Melvin Illian                  91/92

Greg Garvin                            92/93

Glen Moeller                          93/94

John Warner                          94/95

Wallace Kelding                    95/96

David Huntley                        96/97

Richard Kelding                     97/98

Laverne Arp                           98/99

Randall Siebke                      99/00

Dale Schroeder                     00/01

John Wieskamp                    01/02

Deb Griebel                           02/03

John Warner                          03/04

Mike Sissel                                      04/05

John  Kostichek                     05/06

Steve Smith                           06/07

Marlene Arp                           06/07

John Greenwalt                     07/08

Roger Holdorf                        08/09

Loren Claussen                     09/10

Jacob Puck                            10/11

Norma Holdorf                       11/12



Melvin Jones Award Recipients


NAME                               DATE

Harvey Goering           07/08/83

Robert Frick                  04/24/91

Loren Claussen           05/18/92

Arnold Suhr                  03/04/93

Leo Meyer                    05/05/93

Leon Downing             07/09/94

Karl Arp                         11/23/94

Rudolph Arp III             10/24/95

Melvin Illian                  10/24/95

Melvin Riessen            11/07/96

Donna Claussen                   04/23/97

Hugo Holst                             11/20/97

Dennis Puck                 11/09/98



Eugene Siebke            05/24/00

Glenn Moeller              12/29/00

Charles Bramstedt      05/02/02

Marvin Puck                 06/13/02

Larry Reiling                 04/25/03

John Iossi                     02/03/04

Laverne Arp                 05/19/05

Dale Schroeder           08/10/06

Lionel Hermiston                   02/19/07

John Kostichek            03/07/08

David Johnson             12/15/09

John Warner                06/22/10

Gary Hoker                            08/24/10

Dr. Greg Garvin           08/23/11

Marlene Arp                 08/28/12







Warren Coleman Award Recipients


Name                                     Award #

1. Leon Downing                 0034 

2. Karl Arp                             0035  

3. Dennis Puck                    0038  

4. Leo Meyer                         0039   

5. Charles Bramstedt           0085   

6. William Koepke                0086    

7. Harvey Goering                0114

8. Robert Frick                      0115

9. Marvin Puck                     0122

10. Richard Hagen              0148

11. John Iossi                       0231

12. Loren Claussen                         0232

13. Larry Reiling                   0279

14. Eugene Siebke              0280

15. Melvin Riessen              0281

16. Rudolph Arp III               0319

17. Melvin Illian                    0320

18. Dr. Greg Garvin 0378

19. Theodore Burson          0379

20. Albert Warnecke            0380

21. David Rixe                      0381

22. Robert Staub                  0400

23. Arnold Suhr                    0424

24. Hugo Holst                     0444

25. Glenn Moeller                0473

26. Galen Engler                  0509

27. John Warner                  0533

28. Dwight Mericle               0582

29. George Golinghorst      0583

30. Luverne Marti                 0603

31. Wallace Kelding            0631

32. David Huntley                0693

33. Robert Peters                 0762

34. Gary Hoker                     0782

35. Steve Stender                0783

36. Richard Kelding                        0847

37. Laverne Arp                    0966

38. Lionel Hermiston           0967

39. Randy Siebke,               0978

40. Dale Schroeder                         0979

41. Carl Martens                   1066



Name                                     Award  #

42. William Jacobs                           1121

43. Deborah Griebel                        1228

44. John Wieskamp                         1325

45. Brian Ehlers                               1394

46. Dr. Mary Pat Allmandinger      1395

47. Chuck Ehlers                             1538

48. Robert Potter                              1558

49. David Johnson                          1559

50. Brent Kraemer                            1703

51. John Kostichek                          1704

52. Marlene Arp                                1705

53. Ken Bales                                   1867

54. John Greenwalt                                     1868

55. Jason Holdorf                            1869

56. Mike Sissel                                 1870

57. George Lawton                          2265

58. Roger Holdorf                            2266

59. Jacob Puck                                 2267

60. Norma Holdorf                           2268

61. Steve Smith                                2270

62. Walcott Bank                              2778

63. Walcott Coliseum                      2786

64. Matt Schricker                            2894

65. Max Neppel                                2895

66. Melvin Illian                                0002

67. Laverne Arp                              0002

68. Loren Claussen                       0002

69. Tim Schlapkohl                          3037

70. Jared Brus                                  3103

71. Jackie Puck                                3104

72. Leon Downing                          0002

73. Robert Frick                              0002

74. Dennis Puck                             0002

75. Charles Bramstedt                  0002

76. Ted Burson                               0002





  • Bolded name have been awarded a Progressive Warren Coleman Award



Club History


The Walcott Lions Club has raised and donated over $400,000 an average of $10,000 a year since 1973.All of the money has been donated to the community, district, multiple district and International Projects. The club has done this through countless hours of fundraising in our community. Some of the early fundraisers include door to door broom sales, calendar sales, and softball tournaments. The clubs first major fundraiser was started on September 9, 1974, Monday Night Bingo at the Walcott Coliseum. Bingo ran every Monday night from 1974 to July 9th 1991 when it was discontinued with a vote of 15 to 9.

The second major fundraiser the Fish Fry was started on March 18th 1975, with a net profit of $1,796.24. Fish was 70-75 cents a pounds and tickets were sold for $3.00 in advance and $3.50 at the door. This fundraiser continues today.

The clubs first pancake breakfast was held September 7, 1980, after being held at Victory Park several times, it was moved to the Coliseum and continues there today.

The club is the proud home of two former 9x9 District Governors, Loren Claussen in 1999-2000 and Rudy Arp 2001-2002.






Charter Night Minutes

Official Minutes of Regular Club Meetings


The regular meeting of the Charter Night Lions Club was called to order on April 7th 1973 by the President at 7pm at the Walcott Coliseum with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance record and Guest Register.


218 Lions and Lionels attended Charter Night.

Representatives from 16 clubs in southeastern Iowa were present, plus some Lions from other clubs from across Iowa.

Highlight of the evening was the presentation of the charter to the new club by Don Hamann, District 9-B Governor and the unfolding of the Lions banner for the Walcott Club. Lions Secretary Dean Koore presented the banner to club President Leon Downing.  

Also on the program was an address by Lion Adrian Johnson of Forest City, Iowa. A past District Governor of Lions International, he was introduced by Jack Davis of the Davenport Evening Lions Club, which sponsored the Walcott Cub.

Call to order was given by M.C. Lion Roby Fretwell, and Ted Burson lead group singing. Dr. Deane Chapman of Bettendorf, gave the invocation and Keith Meyer Walcott Mayor, gave a welcome speech.

Special guests in attendance were eight past District Governors; Deane Moore, Dr. Ray Richardson of Bettendorf, John Orr of Davenport, Charles Behr of Clinton, Ralph Bennett of Tipton, Roy Piaerton of Keokuk, Dr. Ken MacDonnell of Iowa City and Sherm Hersch of Fairfield.


                                                Other Presentations:

                        Lions Highway Sign- LeClaire & Bettendorf

                        International Flag Set- Davenport Host

                        Gong and Gavel Set- Davenport Evening

                        Tail Twister Fine Bank- Wilton

                        Badges and Case- DeWitt, Clinton, and Eldridge                              







Current designation for Lions Clubs of Iowa is Multiple District 9, or MD9. The original District 9 included Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Eastern Wisconsin.

The first Lions Club in Iowa was the Sioux City Host Club, organized June 6, 1918. The Des Moines Host Club was formed in 1920, and is the oldest continuous club in Iowa.

Lions State Conventions are held each year, and the first was in Cedar Rapids in 1921.

Also in 1921, William Westfall of Mason City was elected District Governor, and in 1926 Lion Westfall was elected Lions International President. He is the only President ever elected from Iowa.

In 1927, Iowa and Nebraska were split into two Districts.

In 1928, the Lions International Convention was held in Des Moines, Iowa.

1942 was the first Key Breakfast ever held.

A Leader Dog representative attended the State Convention for the first time in 1950, and the delegates adopted the program as one to donate money to.

Through the years, there have been several Lions who have served as Lions Clubs of Iowa State Secretary. Art White was selected as the first State Secretary in 1953, followed by Art Fogarty in 1958. In 1964, his replacement was Dean Moore, and Bernie Zinsli became State Secretary/Field Rep Extension in 1972. Lion Bernie traveled Iowa, Nebraska, and part of Illinois helping establish new Lions Clubs. 1982 brought PDG Dale Anderson to the Lions State office as Secretary, and in 1991 PDG Matteo Cardella became Secretary. PID Gary Fry became State Secretary/Field Representative in 2003. As with Lion Bernie, PID Gary is also involved in chartering new clubs in the State of Iowa, plus his duties as Secretary.

In 1954, the Iowa Lions Sight Conservation Foundation (ILSCF) was started in Des Moines. This is the fund and grant making arm of Lions Clubs of Iowa. In 1978, with hearing as a new project, the name was changed to Iowa Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation. In 1994 the name was shortened to “Iowa Lions Foundation”, the current title.

As part of Foundation services, a Mobile Screening unit for detecting Glaucoma was approved in 1963 and placed in service in the fall of 1965. Iowa Lions were pioneers in the nation for providing this type of service through Lions Clubs. In 2005, after 40 years of continuous service, this screening service was discontinued.

Another segment of the Iowa Lions Foundation is the Iowa Lions Eye Bank. Established in 1955, and a part of the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Iowa, the Eye Bank collects and disperses corneal tissue for corneal transplants and for research. The Iowa Lions Eye Bank became a charter member of the Eye Bank Association of America in 1962.

In 1994, Lions of Iowa were hosts to the USA/Canada Leadership Forum held in Des Moines.

“Coming to Your Senses”, a screening program to detect vision problems in youngsters age six months to four years, was established in 1999, and continues to be an excellent service. As of July 1, 2007, this screening operates under a new name, IOWA KIDSIGHT.

Redistricting from 9 Districts in the state to 7 took effect July 1, 2007. The new district designations are: 9NW, 9NC, 9NE, 9EC, 9SE, 9MC, and 9SW.

The Lions of Iowa are comprised of 358 individual clubs with a combined membership of just over 10,000 Lions. Iowa is one multiple district (MD9) of Lions Clubs International , which has 45,000 clubs in 205 countries or geograph-ical areas. There are 1.3 million Lions worldwide who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world.

Known for working to end preventable blindness, Lions participate in a vast variety of projects important to their communities. These projects range from cleaning up local parks to providing supplies to victims of natural disasters.

The state office is located in Ames and is overseen by Council Chairman PDG Roger Bublitz.

mission statement:

To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs

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